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  1. oh im down lol what game mode do you normally play lol im on a 59 win streak trying to keep it going as long as possible
  2. dont underestimate my abilities lol and ill be getting online at around 130 or so after work
  3. ima ghost player and ill do a 1v6 if they cant make it add me and we will talk about it KSIxKcMoADIDAS
  4. Do we or can we have headhunter battles between different squads like for practice?
  5. okay so i think an award for recruiting the most members overall and then another award for the member trying the hardest to recruit as many as they can i believe that if we are reconized for these things that may make other member fight for that award more... meaning more recruits and more members in the long run oh and possibly and award for the cpl trying the hardest to get 10 refferals and much much more than 10 or something lol i dont know just a suggestion.
  6. i am one of the cpl's with 10 refferals and i can witness that she not only helps with that but pretty much any question i have asked in the kik group chat she has had an answer for or asked a higher up for the answer i appreciate her integrity and kindness to everyone
  7. Welcome to the forums SAxBLOODTHIRSTY :)

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