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KSI Akame 77

Church Of The Unfaithful
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Everything posted by KSI Akame 77

  1. Name: KSI Akame 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Akame 7 Award-/-Achievement: Forums Newb and Forums Rookie Reason-/-Evidence: I currently have 1200+ non spam posts on the forums
  2. Gamertag: KSI Akame 7 Link to Forums account: @KSI Akame 7 award nominating for: 2019 Donor evidence: I have subbed to KSI Live for 3 months https://imgur.com/a/yrCgoiL
  3. Team Captain: Gamertag: KSI Akame 7 Division: Dark Legions Teammates Gamertag: KSI Nebula 7  Division: Divine Warriors Gamertag: KSI DropShot 7 Division: Dark Legions
  4. Name: KSIfiremomma7 Link to Forums Account: @KSIfiremomma7 Award-/-Achievement: Jack Of All Trades Reason-/-Evidence: member has all required awards to qualify for this award
  5. Name: KSI Akame 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Akame 7 Award-/-Achievement: Jack Of All Trades Reason-/-Evidence: I have all the required awards to qualify for this award
  6. Gamertag: KSI UppishB592 Link to Forums account: @KSI UppishB592 Award nominated for: Weekend Warfare winner
  7. Gamertag / Forums name KSI Torch096 @KSI Torch096 RUSTYMARSHMELOW: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/48288-xavier/ KSI YeetQueen @KSI YeetQueen KSI WELSHmarine @KSI WELSHmarine Little Metal Fo (unsure of forums acc) KSI MeShell 7 @KSI MeShell 7 award nominated for: Weekend Warfare winner
  8. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI TexAngel 7 DM/LS Link to forums account - @KSI TexAngel 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - This woman has been simply amazing in her support of not only LS but this entire community, Tex will always make herself available for any member regardless of rank no matter what time it is (Unless its a Saturday - the world has to be crumbling away for that.) Tex has given me the support and advice I needed, especially when I needed it the most and that in turn has helped me become the leader I am (still with growing room) and if anyone deserves this award it is most definitely tex because you can tell through her passion that she is 100% KSI Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI MFLSwagg 7 (Cofounder Trocity/Impulse LS) Link to forums account - @KSI MFLSwagg 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe Mr. Swagg deserves this award simply for the fact of the moment he returned to the seat of being an active 7 within this community he was everywhere in this division, passing knowledge in casual parties helping squads with workshops taking on new mentees and yet still getting down in the trenches with the members and recruiting just showing that regardless of what rank we hold we all do the same thing and I am 100% glad and happy to have the support of this amazing individual General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kazeshini 7 (General - Trocity LS) Link to forums account - @Kazeshini 7 Reasoning why the deserve this - Ahhh miss Franki AKA KSI Kazeshini 7 although this is her 2nd time being a general (that I know of) she made it this far just by knuckling down and doing what needs to be done and I will admit she has had a rough time as a general, she took over a squad that was hurting and it was hurting for a long time even under her leadership but yet she perservered and never gave up hope and finally trocity started turning around in a positive way but then the unexpected happened and yet another setback but she never gave up and carried on movin forward and kept the positivity and morale within her squad high by being active and available for ALL her members and Trocity is now on a great improvement and I know that Kazeshini will do the best thing possible for her squad LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSICraggleRocks (2Lt - Legend LS) Link to forums account - @craggle rocks Reasoning why they deserve this -Ahhhhh mr Craggle although he has been in the community a considerable amount of time he pretty much kept himself to himself and enjoyed what the community had to offer (Be it Weekend Warfares or even just a stamdard game night). Mr craggle then chose to begin his carreer as an officer in this community in his home squad of trocity and he sat there for quite some time observing and trying to determine what he had to do unfortunately he made the decision to transfer squads to Legend as he no longer felt connected to trocity and upon transferring to Legend Craggle has shown drastic improvement in not only activity but also in Knowledge of his position and encourages members old and new alike to get as involved in this community as possible and I would love to see how far this aspiring officer can come. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Excalibur (SGT - Trocity LS) Link to forums account - @Sir Galahad Reasoning why they deserve this - Galalalalala AKA Excalibur is a fellow brit and also a senior T&E Staff member and also a Productions Streamer fior this communityand as it would be that with KSI primarily running on EST (Eastern Standard Time) that makes most events within the community quite late at night for Mr Excalibur but his commitment to his departments is second to none as I have seen first hand that he will stay awake some nights/mornings for us until 6am to ensure that events are ran as smoothly as possible or even streamed and I applaud this member for their commitment to their department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Walnut (SSGT - Trocity LS) Link to forums account - @KSIsavagewalnut Reasoning why they deserve this - Walnut...… now this guy has made an impression the first thing I said about this guy was to my cofounder and I quote "WHO TF IS WALNUT?!?!?" and in response to that my cofounder laughed, now let me put this into context for you all, for the longest time LS had been lacklustre on recruiting and Swagg had gotten a recruit by the name of SavageWalnut who instantly changed their GT to KSI Walnut fast forward a few days and this guy had learnt how to recruit and by god was he good at it so fast forward a week and that brings us to my statement/comment about this member because in the week and a half 2 weeks of him being in the community he had pulled in a minimum of 13!! YES 13 recruits!!!! and that is why I am nominating this member for member of the month
  9. I can confirm that mentalist did in fact change his Gamertag to reflect KSI the day he joined asi were in the party when he changed it upon his recruitment
  10. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Warpriest 7 @Warpriest 7 KSI x Samurai @KSI x Samurai Award: Divisional Leadership Certified Any evidence if required: both of these members attended the CEP workshop hosted by myself on 3/14/19
  11. I can verify that this member has not only answered questions brought to her by members but also assisted in helping members set up their forums accounts and guiding them around the forums step by step
  12. Name: KSI x Samurai Link to Forums Account: @KSI x Samurai Award-/-Achievement: Committed Reason-/-Evidence: I can confirm that exactly 1 year ago today Samurai changes his Gamertag to reflect KSI
  13. Name: KSI Akame 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Akame 7 Award-/-Achievement: Twitch Sub Club Reason-/-Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/eL9MEOM
  14. Team Name: Division: Last Strike Team Manager: KSI Akame 7 Team Captain: KSI Flipz Team members by rank (Seats 1-6): 1. KSI Flipz 2. KSI VIGILANTE 3. KSI WANT A TAC0 4. KSI SHDWNINJA 5. KSI MFLSwagg 7 6. KSI RodeoQu33n Team Alternates by rank (Seats 7-10): 7. KSI OUTER GOD 8. KSI ShadowFoxx 9. KSI DemonicAres 10. KSI Akame 7
  15. Team Captain: KSI Akame 7 Division: Last Strike Teammate: KSI Shadowfoxx Division: Demonic Mayhem Teammate: ACTOOCOLD Division: Last Strike
  16. I can witness to this, I have been in a party multiple times with this individual and there have been a few times where members have come to this amazing officer with general questions or queries and he has stopped what he is doing or playing to take the time to give them his attention and answer all questions to the the best of his own knowledge and ability and if he can not answer the questions he points them in the direction of someone who will know
  17. Division: Last Strike, Dark Legions, Demonic Mayhem Team Captain: KSI Akame 7 Teammate #2: KSI WANT A TAC0 Teammate #3: KSI MFLSwagg 7 Teammate #4: KSI Follow (DL) Teammate #5: KSI Freckles (DM)
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