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KSI Akame 77

Church Of The Unfaithful
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KSI Akame 77 last won the day on June 30 2023

KSI Akame 77 had the most liked content!

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    senzu beans
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    KSI Akame 77
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  • Rank/Title
    Co-Founder/Head of T&E

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    Darth Akame
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  1. Gamer tag - KSI Rebel 7 @KSI REBEL 7 KSI Tiger 77 @KSI Tiger 77 KSI Prophecy 7 @KSIPROPHECY7 Awards - Professionalism proof of workshop is in discord event logs Gamer tag - KSI Cursed @KSICursed Awards - Advanced Training proof of workshop is in discord event logs
  2. The reason Demon deserves this award is not simple, he has been a key figure in the success of Valkyrie from recruiting his old friends back into the community to even bringing in new members, hosting a plethora of workshops and gamenights as well as genuinely being there for each and every member and when I say being there I don’t mean just making a presence I mean genuinely taking the time to sit and listen to every member that he interacts with. Demon has an ability to connect with others on a level that you don’t see very much in people these days and that is in part down to his personality and ethic as a person he treats every member he meets like they are family and cares for them as such. He sets himself to what some would think is an unreasonable standard but each and every time he meets that standard and more even whilst he doubts himself while doing so. in summary demon deserves this award for the simple fact of he is truly passionate about this community and the core standards in which we pride ourselves being members of KSI
  3. @Loyalty Paradoxthis is for spirit week
  4. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Slick 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Slick 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - now I met this guy a few times over the course of my KSI Career but it wasn’t until recently that I got to see the work this man does and from everything I have seen this man is always positive and tries to make each and every member he interacts with feel like they are a part of something bigger and without a doubt he truly does give 110% into every single thing he does and never looks at the negatives but always moves forward with an open mind and being the change he wants to see Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI WldMama 7 Link to forums account - @KSI WldMama7 Reasoning why they deserve this - there is so much I can say about this amazing woman, to start with the amount of passion this woman has for this community is immeasurable and yet she stays down in the trenches with everyone regardless of their rank she has been running ES like a well oiled machine for a hot minute and she did something I didn’t think anyone could do and that is the fact she re-lit a fire in me which I thought had been long extinguished but I have found my groove and passion to lead thanks to her and because of that I am now the General of Valkyrie ES and I have an amazing officer corps and that is all thanks to mama, and with recent event mama has taken on an even bigger challenge by not only running ES but also stepping up and helping WD after everything they have been through so without a doubt this woman deserves this award Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shootah Link to forums account - @KSI Shootah Reasoning why they deserve this - this man if anything is consistent and has definitely been stepping up and has been eager to learn more about being an officer from whatever avenue he can learn from, his reliability is second to none and he is always there for all members and fellow officers alike and I am extremely proud to be working alongside an officer that is so willing to learn and constantly improve themselves LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sprinks Link to forums account - @KSI Sprinks Reasoning why they deserve this - this guy is definitely unique and brings a level of fun to being an officer you don’t see very often, he reaches out to everyone and always makes even the quietest of parties a fun place to be and brings even the shyest people out of their shell and for that he deserves the recognition of getting this award SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI D3v1L 7 Link to forums account - @KSI D3V1L 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - now despite this man working countless hours in his IRL job he does everything within his power to do what it takes as a ssgt and ensure he is fulfilling his duties all whilst joking about and saying “I’ll just sit by in my corner” and when he does his required duties he does them to the fullest of his ability and makes every member who joins his party feel welcome and included SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSImrsparkle Link to forums account - @Mrsparkles Reasoning why they deserve this - whilst I would like to nominate this young man for a higher position I unfortunately can’t due to his time in the role but we took a chance on this very respectful young man and it paid off in ways that have exceeded our expectations and I am very excited to see what his future holds as an officer here in ES Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Clock995 Link to forums account - @KSI CLOCK Reasoning why they deserve this - now despite this man mainly appearing offline you can always catch him in parties with multiple members and officers and whilst it takes time for him to talk to people once you get to know him he is one of the most chill and enjoyable members to hang around with in a party and will always invite you to play whatever game he is playing at the time Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Area) - KSI Infid3l Link to forums account - @KSI Infid3l Reasoning why they deserve this - again this is another member I have taken a chance on but within T&E he is consistent and when he signs up to host any event he is always there and despite just recently having a newborn child he has stepped up exceedingly well in the department and with that he was rewarded with his recent promotion to senior T&E staff and I wonder how far he can take it in departments
  5. Gamertag: KSI Akame 77 Link to forums: @KSI Akame 7 awards nominating for: Fresh start I <3 Me Luck of the Irish (already have will replace with staff award) Spring Chicken May the 4th Staff Award: Got Tea Evidence: Nez already has evidence
  6. Gamertag: KSI Akame 77 Link to forums account: @KSI Akame 7 Award nominating for: Donor 2023 Evidence: will provide evidence upon request
  7. Date: 6/16/23 Host: KSI Akame 77 Award: Leadership Aspects Gamertag: KSI DEMON 9 KSI D3v1L 7 Attendance: @KSI DEMON 9 @KSI D3V1L 7 Evidence: attended workshop hosted by myself
  8. Gamertag: KSI Akame 77 Link to forums: @KSI Akame 7 Awards Nominating for: Gamerscore rookie Fresh meat Rising star Getting popular Well known Here to stay Highest to fives I ❤️ awards Award senpai Big kahuna Over achiever Dary Apex Call of duty The double agent LGBTQ All hail the pickle king unspoken Rizz Evidence: Sub has all evidence
  9. Like Paradox has said it is a bit of a weird situation as there are no longer any leaders around from that era and whilst I was in charge of LS with KSI Kenpachi 7 @Loyalty Paradox@DrDeath1447and @KSI HHooters 7were all respective generals of their own squads and we were going through a rough time with past incidents with other communities and not only did they all step up and rebuild their squads they but they set the standard and ultimately rebuilt the division up until I had a slight hiatus from the community upon my return I originally returned to my home squad of Legend LS but I didn’t feel welcome and I asked Loyalty who upon my return to KSI had reached the position of Division Leader which squads needed the most help and transferred into Midgard LS and worked under KSI Hebrew 7 who eventually made it to the position of Director and in that time Asgard LS was Merged into Midgard and myself and Hebrew being the only officers ended up not only rebuilding the squad but the division as a whole due to the fall out of Loyalty being demoted and HHooters and drdeath leaving the community which ended up in a very challenging time but we ultimately made LS the Division everyone talked about granted not always in a good light but it set the standard of how to build a division from the ground up which also incurred a couple of squad splits over Time recreation of Asgard and Paladin
  10. Gamertag: KSI Akame 77 Link to Forums: @KSI Akame 7 Award Nominating for: It’s My Birthday Reason for Award: Today is my Birthday Evidence: Will be provided upon request
  11. Date: 4/27/23 Host: KSI Akame 77 Award: Basic Training Gamertag: KSI Ghostface KSI DEMON 9 KSI D3v1L 7 KSIThursday Attendance: @KSI GHOSTFACE @KSI DEMON 9 @KSI D3V1L 7 @KSIThursday Evidence: attended workshop hosted by myself
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