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Hello Im Gandhi

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Everything posted by Hello Im Gandhi

  1. How are you taking me with you? I have no position of importance haha. I'm not even officially in KSI haha.
  2. Well I figured I would take some time to contribute my history.... I started playing XBL sometime in 2007, I don't really remember when. My first experience with real competitive online gaming was with Rainbow Six Vegas 2. I met a guy on there, don't really remember his name, who introduced me to gaming communities and clans. For a while I was a part of a small 30 man group, mainly focused on tactical gaming. After a while I drifted around some smaller clans, mainly sticking to those that had 50 or less members. In seriousness I was awoken to an entirely new world. The connections I was making, and the friends I was meeting was so cool. I was immediately hooked! Sometime in 2008 I was playing Halo 3 on narrows, and I ran into a guy with the gamertag KSI Blevins. At this point I was naturally interested in all things gaming community, so I started asking him some questions about it, and before long I was hooked. You have to remember, in 2008 KSI was at the peaks of its' powers for the most part, and the community he described to me was breathtaking. He talked about how they were sponsored by some of the biggest names in gaming, and had tournaments and prizes all of the time. One of the most amazing things he told me about was how the community had over 20,000 members. I was so amazed that I really didn't have any words. At the time the age limit was strictly 17, but thanks to Blevins I was granted an exception and joined at around the age of 14. I didn't have a high pitched voice, and I was extremely dedicated, so they let it slide. Blevins recruited me into my first division, and my home, Xero Degreez. Xero Degreez (for the first time) I started off in IceBound XD and the rank of private. At that time we didn't have recruit, so everyone started from there. They told me to rank up I had to change my name, and I did it right away. My first gamertag was KSI Herminator, and I made a name with it (both good and bad). I quickly became one of the top recruiters for the division and for the squad, and worked my way up the ranks fast. At that time the requirments were no where near as strict, and if they saw potential in you, they would give me opportunities. In the span of two weeks I had risen to Lt, and approached my division leader, KSI Dead Shadow (who helped found LHR), with a proposition. I made it aware to him that there were a number of underage kids out there who, with the right training, could contribute to the community. I told him that if we had a buffer squad where they could be recruited, trained, and selected, we could get a good crop of dedicated gamers. After some deliberation with the division staff, he let me do it. So two weeks into the community I was opening my own squad, called KSI Arctic XD. After a few weeks our numbers had grown exponentially, and we had gotten a good number of recruits. To them I had proven my worth. Instead of having me continue my role in the buffer squad, they transfered the members and myself back to IceBound. At that time I was then promoted to CPT, and eventually became the first Cpt of IceBound. I didn't see much room for advancement because of our strong staff, so I decided to transfer to a new division, and I began the next part of my long career. Before we get into that, I want to say XD was my home, and sadly it was all but destroyed when the staff decided to leave and start their own community called LHR. That was one of the larger hits of the time on the community, and we lost some of our best leaders. KSI Honor 7, KSI Dead Shadow, and the list goes on. It remained dead for many years, until I, and Meep at one point had the chance to breath life back into it. Revenged Souls This could probably be best described as the time I met KSI Coletrain 7.... As an underaged member, there weren't many divisions that would take my services, however Coletrain was a guy who would. In all honestly, Coltrain (a director at the time), was one of the few members who gave everyone the biggest chance possible. When I joined his division he placed my in Fatal RS, and because of their lack of leaders, made me the Major. This was really my first taste of true leadership, even if it didn't last long... I was able to learn how to run a squad, and how to recruit in a more effective way. Honestly, I don't remember a lot of my time there, simply because it was so long ago. Sadly I didn't get along with all of the leaders, and so my time in RS was short, but it was important in my formation as a leader. Because of this, I jumped on the chance to return to XD, even though it was a shadow of its' former self. Xero Degreez (second stint) Because of their extremem shortage of leaders, I was given the opportunity to take over IceBound. It took a while, but I was able to find the leadership to help me build the squad back up. We quickly rebuilt it, but as is evidenced by now, I didn't last very long. Within a couple of months I decided I wanted to take a break, and left the division behind. By now you can start to see a theme. As a young member I was often unpatient, annoying, and a little imature. I jumped around a lot, and caused a little bit of trouble. However, one thing remained constant. I loved KSI, and XD. Even though I largely failed in my first stint in KSI, it did teach me some lessons. The In-Between Time As I took some time off KSI, I floated around for a little bit joining different communities. I did a stint in SYN where I was a Section Leader, but too left there to pursue other clans. The truth is I really wanted to start something that I could call my own, but it never worked out. After a while I decided I was tired of being in failed experiments, and clans I didn't really have a connection too. So after a little break I decided I would take my talents to South Beach, and rejoin KSI! The Xiled Empire When I rejoined KSI I really wanted to find somewhere that was active, fun, and most importantly had great leaders. XD still existed, but I really wasn't the division it was when I joined. When I first was recruited it was one of the pride's of KSI, but at this point it was a division of just a couple hundred, with large inactivity. Luckily I had some people that helped me find a home; The Xiled Empire. At the time there was about 5 or 6 KSI division that all beared the name Xiled, and were lead by the same group of Seniors and Directors. In fact, they almost functioned as a clan within a clan, much like the Synthetic and Helix Empires (although all three of these caused us problems later on). They promoted their own leaders, their own div leaders, and their own directors. It really was a self contained unit, but it was absolutely amaing to me at the time. The first division I joined within the empire was Xiled Cavalry, one of the more established divisions. I was made 1st Captain of one of their weaker squads, Strapped, with the mission of helping to rebuild the squad. As you can guess, we quickly did so. We got the squad up to about 78 members, and the division decided we would split and create a new squad. However, instead of going with the expansion group, the division leader and director decided to transfer me to Xiled Kings. I can't remember the exact reason, but I guess when they recruited me they didn't know my age, and weren't happy with it. So they said this was my last chance and sent me on my way... The leaders of the Empire were not always benevolent... I started my career in Xiled Kings with the squad Wraiths. I was once again put into the position of Major, expect this time there wasn't much building to do. In honestly my main job was to coordinate the officers and run a fully operational squad. We were always around the split capacity, so there really wasn't need for recruiting. I had to learn how to keep a large group of people involved, so I started to host game nights and meetings regularly. One of the things I prided myself on was getting a large number of members to change their tags. At one point I believe we were the most active squad in XK. It was a huge step in me learning how to be a leader, but I still had a lot problems. The general thought I was stepping on her tows, so when it came time to make a new squad she put me in charge of it. While it was a promotion, it was also a punishment. If you've ever started a new squad, you'll know how much work it takes. You have to recruit, train and lead. At times it can be overwhelming... However, in the end it wasn't so bad. As the leader of the new squad I got to choose the name. In true XK fashion I named it Ultimatum. In a way it kind of reflected the ultimatum I got when I came to XK; do well or leave. I really believe they gave me the job to see if I would screw up, but I don't feel like I did. Although, I never really got to find out. We quickly established the squad, getting it up to 40 members in just a couple of weeks. I had even managed to get a majority of KSI tags. Because of this I was able to train them and create a solid group of officers. After a few weeks I took some time to go on vacation. When I came back I discovered something strange... The division was gone. Apparently while I was gone the entire Empire had decided to break off KSI and create their own community, called TXI. My squad was gone, but I was able to get a few of my officers to come back or stay. My work was gone, but I was disuaded. Thanks to a pretty nice dude I found a new home. Semper Fi (A New Home) It took me a while to find a division to join, seeing as my home for the last little while was gone, but I eventually did. I got the help of a director, and he placed my in a recently rebuilt division called Semper Fi. If you've read Fuzzy's bio, then you've heard of it. When I met him I was either a Co-Div or a Div leader, I'm not really sure which. He quickly gave me the chance to prove myself, and became a mentor of mine. I still wasn't ready to make a meaningful impact, be Fuzzy helped me become ready. In fact, when I tell the rest of my story you may see that he and I moved up the ladder together. However, there is one difference. He stayed and I didn't... Now look at where he is. I was placed in a newer squad called Assasins SF as the 1CPT. We quickly built it up, as Fuzzy said, and helped create an amazing squad. I continued on through the ranks until I became the General. At that time our division staff was the shiz. We had one of the best and most active divisions in KSI, with game nights almost every night. Hell, Halo 3 was at its' pinnacle then, and so were we. In that time after I became General I was running one of the best squads in the div (in my opinion), and I was finally finding my place. At that time Fuzzy had been promoted to Director and was given command of a new div, called Guerilla Warfare. He needed people to help build it, and I went. I also consider this to be the beginning of my true KSI career. Guerilla Warfare (Building a Division) I learned a lot in GW, and not all of it was good. The guy who was chosen as the Div leader was a member who had just returned and lobbied to create a division. Because he was Old School they granted his request. At first he seemed like and awesome guy who was giving me an opportunity to lead, but he really turned out to be a guy who wasn't that great of a mentor, and to me, only seemed like he cared about having the biggest div. I was placed as the Co Founder of the division, and we orignally had two squads. A Halo and a Call of Duty squad. Because of the emphasis on recruiting, our division grew really fast. However, because we didn't really have the leadership to sustain the numbers, we quickly ran into troubles. It wasn't long until the division leader left, and we were left scratching our heads. At that point I was put into the position of Division Leader, even though I wasn't really ready for it. However, it also marked the first time I ever had my own. I think no matter when you are promoted to that position, you really aren't ready, but you learn by doing it. Sadly, I wasn't able to keep the division together and it died. I failed, but in that moment I learned what it takes to run a div. I made sure it wouldn't happen again. My Return to Semper Fi It was hard to find a place that wanted me, seeing as I had just let a division fail, but I ended up on my feet. I returned to Semper Fi as an advisor, simply because there really wasn't any place for me. Basically all I did was advise on clan ops, help out where needed, train, and recruit. After a while a position as a Co Founder came open, and with the blessing of the division and Fuzzy I took it. For the first time I was able to put all of the lessons I had learned into practice, and before long I was the division leader of SF. For the first time I was actually running a division like I knew I could. We had the division up to about 400 members with squads on all FPSs immaginable. We even had a European squad. We were active, fun, and close knit. I also had an amazing group of officers. After a couple of months I was given a chance to do what I had always wanted to; be a director. My First Stint as a Director Even though there wasn't a need, Fuzzy and the other seniors promoted me to Director. At first I was only over SF, and to be fair, I don't really know what divisions I got later. To me this was a position where I learned how to be a Senior Leader. During this time Fuzzy trained me over some new topics, specifically performance operations. Because I didn't have many divisions I, along with Rebellion, was made the Communications Director of KSI. We were in charge of creating a centralized communication structure for all divisions and leaders. I'm sure something still exists today. After a few moths I continued to be a Communications Director, but I was also given a new position; Performance Officer. Performance Officer Fuzzy was just given the position of Chief Performance Officer, and with it the department of performance operations. When he started it he chose me to be a part of it. Not only was it a new job, it was also a promotion. At this point I became a Senior Leader within the community. Basically I was a Senior, but without the clan ops responsibilities. Part of my job was to go around the community and train, resolve disputes, talk to people, and just interact with the community. When it came down to it I was a Human Resource Officer. My job was to make sure no problems ever arose, and I feel as though I did a good job. It was honestly my calling in KSI, and I did it for quite a while. However, then United happend. Director over all KSI Divisions The United Split is something some of you may be familiar with. Basically it was the single largest hit ever done to KSi. In fact, we basically split in two. A majority of the senior leadership decided that they wanted KSi to be their own, and took almost every division and created KSI United. With that we lost a majority of our directors and senior directors. I stepped down from my position as Performance Officer and acted as the director over all KSI Divisions (I think it was all of them). I did that for a while and worked on condensing divisions and rebuilding what we could. I remember working really closely with KSI Tex 7. However, and this is perhaps my biggest regret, after a while I decided I couldn't do it. I followd a majority of the members over the United and started a new. I want to make this clear: In my opinion KSI Rebellion 7 is perhaps the most important member in the past 5 years simply because she stepped up and rebuilt the community after I dropped the ball. When I talk about missed opportunites, this is it. I could have stayed an become something, but I didn't. I went over to United, built up XD as a part of the Troublemaker Empire, and eventually became a founding father of TMG. However, like most members, I realized the mistake I made a returned to try and finish what I started. The Return to Xero Degreez Luckily Fuzzy was nice enough to give me another chance, and I reassumed my position as performance officer. However, I felt like I had something to prove, so I vacated my position and went to XD (our XD, not United's). I took my time rebuilding the division to about 300 members, and after a while I was once again promoted to Director. I worked my way back up from Founder to Director, not because I wanted to, but because I felt I had to. I felt we had created something special, and I retained control of XD and was given control of Fierce Rebellion (The all Euro div). Director of XD and FR FR was largely innactive, so we took the opportunity to create something new. I gave command of the division to KSI Airborne 7, and he really took the reigns and created something awesome. I don't remember what he renamed it to, but it lasted for quite a while. In my opinion I was running two amazing divisions. However, life got way too busy, and I had to step down. There are lots of things I never accomplished, but I am proud of what I did. Basically, I was never the ideal member. I left a lot, got way to many chances, and probably didn't deservec them. However, I feel like I proved myself in KSI, and it's always going to represent an amazing time in my life. Since I stepped down, I've tried to come back multiple times, but I've never had the time to dedicate myself. This summer was my last attempt, as some of you may know, but life once again got too busy, and I dropped the ball. Perhaps in the future I will return and do the one thing I never have; become a Senior. More than likely this is the complete history of my KSI career. Maybe it's boring, maybe it's not. I just wanted to share it since Fuzzy, and so many others shared theirs. Have fun! KSI is something really amazing... In one way or another I was in KSI from 2008ish to 2012/2013. I'm sure I forgot a lot, but 5 years of experience is a lot to remember in detail. As you can tell XD and SF were my homes, and that is what I am truly proud of.
  3. To join or not to join, that is the question.

  4. Not a band, more a person. Right now I would have to say I am most into Hardwell.
  5. Star Trek Enterprise. Criminally underrated show.
  6. I'll go ahead and suggest something I kind of brought up about a half a year ago, but a little different. Career Achievement Award: Given to members who have gone about and beyond in the line of duty for KSI. I feel like this would be different from Outstanding Service, or even the Hall of Fame because it focuses on something completely different. Members who had a large body of work in KSI, or those that helped contribute something great towards the betterment of the community would eligible. In my mind it would be a tier below the Hall of Fame, where anyone could be nominated, pending the right amount and quality of support. There's a ton of people out there, both past and present, who deserve to be commended on their work for the community, but maybe don't fall in that highest tier of members. We would think of the HoF as those who exemplify everything you want in an officer, but this would give us more ability to recognize others who may never be able to reach those heights. Td;lr: An award to recognize those who might not be otherwise recognized for their outstanding service to the KSI Global Gaming Network.
  7. Obi Wan VII, the artist perviously known as Ghandi 7

  8. Star Trek Enterprise. Never understood why it got such an irrational amount of hate.
  9. I went through a huge Breaking Benjamin phase. What's your favorite song by them?
  10. Bon Iver, or any of his relating bands, such as Volcano Choir. Actually, it's a close tie between that, 30 Seconds to Mars, and Kodaline.
  11. I'm currently on a binge of the Office. I've never watched it before. In all honesty, it's pretty awesome.
  12. In my opinion, nothing can touch the glory that was the Mass Effect 3 sountrack.
  13. Just started watching that... I was honestly pleasantly surprised with just how good it is!
  14. I'm going to go the opposite direction from the rest of the staff. It's a yes on Hot Topic from me. The reason why is I feel it is very difficult to find a topic that genuinely benefits the community, but is also an intersesting point of discussion. To me, this is just that. While it may not be as "hot" or beneficial as we may like, it does open the door for members to learn about the history of KSI. To me that is important because we need to understand where we came from, why we are where we are now, and where we are going to go. This helps unearth the oldest squads, which gives them the recognition they deserve, but also the oldest members. Not only does it give them recognition, it can help us to locate them and perhaps they can give sound advice being "old and wise" haha. So there it is, to me this benefits the community and is a hot topic. Yes from me
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