Name: KSI Tempest
Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums...ser/26-tempest/
Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service and Member Assistance
Reason-/-Evidence: During my time in KSI, I have assisted a number of members (more then I can keep track of) with issues, questions, and workloads regarding subjects both in and out of KSI. I have never held onto any hope of ranking past General due to obligations in my personal life preventing me from taking any senior position and so have dedicated myself to assisting all those around me in there own advancement. Some of these include KSI RIKU 187, KSI iLLuSiioN 7, and KSI N1NJA 7. During my tenure I have given approximately $300 in the form of Microsoft Point Cards, XBL Gold Cards, and Xbox accessories (i.e. Headsets, Games, Controllers) to fellow KSI members. This does not include any donations directly to KSI. Bro Dragon (Gamertag: Divine DRAGON), KSI Ducen, KSI DroWzyy, KSI RIKU 187 in addition to many others can all attest to this.
Whether or not these get approved, I wish to thank you in advance for your consideration.