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Everything posted by CEN TUR ION

  1. I was in the party when he threw the chair through the wall and let me tell you, It was certainly "off the deep end". Even though I could not see him I am nearly positive he was foaming at the mouth. He went soooo absolutly nuts that his body couldn't decide if it wanted to cry or scream so it kind of did both. He sounded like a wounded rabbit and kept repeating a few phrases over and over. At first I started laughing but when he couldn't calm down I eventually pulled Illusion into the party with legimate concerns for his sanity. I was there for the infamous Mufusa tells a 14 year old to "not pass go, and do not collect 200 dollars" and Impy's incident was on a whole other level.
  2. I will certainly witness for gold outstanding lvl 2. Impy is an absolutely exemplary leader within KSI. He has guided the growth of GZ for quite some time now. He is involved in KSI in both Web Ops and Clan Ops and does a fantastic job in both areas. Ground Zero would not be the division it is today without impy and I would not be the same leader I am.
  3. Name/Gamertag: KSI CENTURION 7 Rank (If applicable): Co-Division leader GZ Time spend on the forums Daily: Atleast a few hours per day Experience in KSI: I have been in KSI for slightly over 9 months. I have shown leadership capability in my division and have helped in any area when neccessary. Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I am a dedicated and hardworking leader in KSI. I excel in every aspect of this community that I take part in. I would absolutely love to be a part of the aap. Thank you for your consideration
  4. Tony hawks underground soundtrack was AMAZING
  5. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Illusion 7 (Director) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/28-ksi-illusii0n-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Illusion has been an outstanding leader. He has been crucial to the growth of ground zero and crucial to my growth as a leader within gz. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Imperium 7 (Founder- Ground Zero) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2917-oopsy-doodles/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Impy has been the number one reason behind Ground Zero's success over the past few months. He was left in a difficult situation when our div leader transferred and our co-div left KSI. When many members saw their departure as a reason to be doubt the potential of GZ, Imperium saw an oppurtunity to implement his wonderful training programs as well as the motivation he gives every member when he converses with them. Everyone in Ground Zero has been personally helped/trained by impy from pvt-cofo. This member truly embodies the ideals of knowledge, strength and integrity Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LadyRukia 7 (CoFo GZ) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1593-ksi-ladyrukia-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - LadyRukia had the difficult task of transistioning from the general of a gow3 squad to the cofounder of a division that features almost entirely halo squads. Over the past month we have seen LadyRukia's leadership capabilities flourish. She is constantly assisting members not only in her three squads but in GZ as a whole. She hosts sgt workshops on a regular basis. She works closely with every general every week to ensure that each squad will have a successful week. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Legion 7 (General-Honor/GZ) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5354-ksi-legion-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This member was an exemplerary general over Honor before being promoted to CoFo. The amount of time and effort he put into training his members is almost unheard of. He brought his squad to the brink of a split and ensured not only that there was a well trained major to take his place but also that he had an officer squad that was ready to handle a split
  6. Member assistance- Witness. This member is constantly assisting others and is overall an asset to GZ HH- Witness Trainer- Witness. Has certainly trained well over 30 people
  7. Unfortunatly we do not have a co-div right now. I will talk to illusion about vouching
  8. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Centurion 7. GZ Co-Founder Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2577-ksi-centurion-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Member Assistance, Outstanding Service lvl 1, Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) When I took over as general for Solace the squad had diminished almost entirely in both members and leadership potential. The squad was on the brink of destruction and I worked tirelessly to bring its numbers into the 70's and train every officer and sgt in the squad. After my promotion to Co-Founder I continue to work dilligently to train generals to become co-fo's as well as continuing training sgts and officers. I am on Xbox live at a minumum for 5 hours a day and answer every single question I am asked. I am commited to doing everything I can to improve not only my division but the KSI community as a whole.
  9. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Illusiion 7 Director Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...si-illusii0n-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This member has been absolutly crucial to the growth and mainting of his three divisions. He has served as a constant source of inspiration and has truly put his heart and soul into KSI. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI N1NJA 7 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/358-ksi-n1nja-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Has been completly instrumental in not only my own personal growth and development within KSI but also in the growth and development of the division. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Mufasa 7 GZ Founder Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2273-ksi-mufasa-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Mufasa is one of the most hardworking and most dedicated members I know in KSI. He has been available at any time whenever a member has had a question. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ImPeRiiuM 7 GZ Co-Fo Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...si-imperiium-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This member jumped into the role of the COFO head on. He implemented fantastic new ideas such as the member of the week. He also essentially was the co founder for every squad in the division while gambit was away on vacation. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shade 1st CPT GZ SOLACE Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2448-shade/ Reasoning why the deserve this - The amount of effort that this member has put into to helping me run Solace is incredible. He constantly comes to me with new ideas, such as the titanpad. He is more than willing to help all members of the squad and is very involved in the community at large.
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