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CEN TUR ION last won the day on October 4 2012

CEN TUR ION had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 09/20/1990

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    Call me Centurion... Centuriate... Centy.... Or really anything I suppose. I am a student studying History Education. I love playing rugby and making music. If you have any questions or just want to chat feel free to PM or XBL message me:)
  • Gamertag
  • Squad
    Ground Zero Advisor
  • Rank/Title
    GZ Advisor

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Member (2/4)



  1. KSI Sinister 7, along with Oni, is the face and the heart of Ground Zero. When I had to leave my position as the Division leader I knew that I was leaving it in safe hands. I was around for the begging of sinister's KSI career and watched him become an exceptional officer and then an exceptional member of divisional leadership. The amount of time that this member places into KSI is so vast it edges on absurd. Sinister embodies knowledge, strength, and integrity. I know few members that deserve an outstanding service award as much as sinister does. This member has a bright future in KSI and will no doubt continue putting countless hours in to ensure that others can enjoy our gaming community. Give this man what he deserves! Centy
  2. Team awards:yes OS Silver: Not enough witnesses
  3. Trainer: Yes OS LVL 1: I would like to see a witness from the member's current division please
  4. I would also like to witness to cannibals outstanding service. This member has excelled at literally every task he has been given. He goes above and beyond what is asked of him and is a fantastic leader. Cannibal is the hero of Ground Zero's positive mental attitude and has a long future as a leader in KSI. If possible I would also like to nominate for KSI Mentor (rather than start a new thread). Edit: Withdrawing vote in favor of witnessing/nominating
  5. I would like to specify that a forum thread that betters KSI and recieves a lot of use is covered by the Hot Topic award and does not qualify for bright idea
  6. I will witness to outstanding service level 1. These member absolutely works his butt of for the AAP. He is certainly deserving of the award in that regard. I can not speak towards his service in clan ops but he has certainly proven himself in web ops.
  7. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI CENTURION 7 GZ Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2577-cen-tur-ion/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Committed Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I have had a KSI gamertag for a year now.
  8. LOLOL Sorry I miscounted. However with dragons witness now it is 4/5
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