Name: KSI Scotland 7
Link to Forums Account: @Scotland
Award-/-Achievement: Meta Awards: Legen- through I <3 Awards
Reason-/-Evidence: Member currently has 66 awards
Requested Staff Award(s): Cero's Little Helper (per Scotland)
Kalakoi has answered numerous questions I've had about AAP and nomination processes for various awards! Super helpful dude, fo sho.
Dropping my vote to witness.
Name: KSI GreendayFox
Link to Forums Account: @KSI GreendayFox
Award-/-Achievement: Meta Awards: Legen- through Big Kahuna
Reason-/-Evidence: Member currently has 80 awards
Requested Staff Award(s): Support Group, The Double Agent, Rimpy 2K18, Cero's Little Helpers (per Greenday)
Great nomination! We'll need some more witness statements from members who have personally benefited from this individual's generosity.
@KSI Jynxie
If you could possibly have the members she purchased name changes for come witness, it would greatly speed up this process. Thank you sir!
@KSI Crucian
Good Samaritan - 1/5
Awesome nomination! We'll need witness statements from 4 more members detailing how they have benefited from this individual's generosity. Examples: received Xbox Live Gold, Xbox games or equipment, subscriptions, etc.
Good Samaritan - 1/5
Awesome! We'll need witness statements from at least 2 more members explaining how this individual helped them by answering general questions about KSI.
Member Assistance - 1/3
Meta Awards - 52 Verified
Legen- through Highest of Fives - Yes to all
- - -
We'll need Co-Founders or higher who can witness to your recruiting!
@KSI Fear Meta 7