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KSI VEILSIX 7 last won the day on December 7 2011

KSI VEILSIX 7 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 08/20/1980

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    Basketball, Drawing, Writing, Painting, Range Shooting, Turbo Import Cars, Movies, Gaming, Having a Good Time.
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    Forced Induction
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  1. I don't even have words for how much this man deserves these. Every single person in Dark Legions knows they can go to Apoc at any time for any issue they may have, and walk out educated, mentored, feeling better, with fresh perspectives on how to solve their problems. This guy is invaluable to us. If I could choose, I would always work with Apoc for the rest of my KSI career.
  2. This topic has not only brought all of DL together on a personal level, strengthening bonds in the division, but it has done wonders on toning down the squabbling that thankfully was already not much of a problem in our Division. It has GREATLY improved relations and every day clan operations, and has even brought people from different areas of KSI in to share their own stories. I'm told other Divisions are looking to implement similar topics in their Division Areas.
  3. As his Founder I verify Dark Kni6ht is on the Knights' HeadHunter team. Link to his forums acct: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1419-ksi-dark-kni6ht/
  4. As his Founder, I vouch for Relentless's 33 trainings.
  5. As his Founder I vouch that Relentless is on the Knights' HeadHunter team.
  6. Witnesses? lol (I witness RiOTT is like always on, and ALWAYS helping people either through mod advice for forums or making GFX, he is THE MAN)
  7. Hey guys: Just wanted to say thank you for the awards that were handed out to me and to the other nominated members. It's probably hard to work through validating and sifting through all this stuff, and I just want to let the AAP team know you are appreciated. VL6
  8. He didn't even list me in his post, but I will vouch in here that this man mentors me constantly.
  9. OK here goes, hopefully they get handed out this month : Senior Leader of the Month -* KSI Chaos 7: This dude is just the bomb. He exudes the perfect mix of authority and friendliness to make up the definition of what this role should be. Whether it's listening to his wisdom directlyl, or through QueenJess's mic, from what I witness this guy is always giving out guidance and shaping KSI in a forward direction... I don't even know how he does it all. He is one of the leaders I have witnessed making time for everyone despite the heavy workload on his plate, and doing so with a no BS yet pleasant and humorous demeanor, even joining into our weekly division game nights and bringing along his lovely wife so everyone can get some facetime in with the upper leadership. Quality leadership. Director of the Month -* KSIxAPOCALYPSE7: For never being above getting down in the trenches to help a member, no matter their rank. For being available to his staff every single day, for maintaining a sense of patience and fairness despite the massive amounts of problems, questions and advice that is sought from him constantly. For being the best damn mentor anyone could ask for. This guy wields the authority of a director, but still feels like a friend, mentor, confidant in his approachability. I wouldn't be where I am today in KSI without this man. Co-Division Leader of the Month -* KSI dRaMaTiC 7: I used to think this man was kind of a Richard. As I have grown to know him, and as I have worked with him more and more, I've come to realize the method behind what I thought was madness. I think many people have the wrong impression of this guy. If you look past the tough exterior, you find a leader who is always willing to advise, guide, listen, and consider other people's opinions. You see a man willing to OPENLY admit when he is wrong (a rare quality), and try others' ideas even when they oppose his own when he's in the position to veto them down (another rare trait). Since he was promoted to Co-Div, he has made massive strides to overcome the perception that most had of his persona, and has managed to connect with the leaders and people of Dark Legions on a level that most people likely would not have predicted. Co-Founder of the Month -* KSI Hop Off 7: Co-Founder in DR, this guys is one of the hardest working people in KSI. Not only has he repeatedly built squads through adversity in his General days, but he has now as COFO had a huge hand in growing DR from a fledgeling division into what will soon be a Flagship powerhouse. He is heavily involved with his Generals, rarely do I pop into a party with Hop Off where he is not actively dealing with an issue, or leaving to handle something. On top of that, he juggles other responsibilities for KSI like a champ, and is great fun to party up and have a laugh with. The definition of somebody who will one day reach the upper 7 echelon. General of the Month -* KSI Hook: About high time somebody nominated this guy. Hook was my very first recruit in KSI and since day one when he changed his gamertag immediately, he has truly believed in everything KSI stands for and stood behind it, supporting it both in word and action. This guy is extremely bright and shows it in the way he has put together his squad, Malice, and how he manages it. It is truly a nearly-maintenance free squad who has fun with each other and leads itself. Hook is grooming countless up and comers in Malice, and even their new COFO ATL 7 came away impressed after listening to just one squad meeting. 2 full squad meeting lobbies don't lie.. this man is doing something right. Not only that, but a sense of caring about the division with his volunteering and inspiring staff to volunteer to help other squads rebuild. This guy will undoubtedly move up and soon. Captain of the Month -* KSI xNECROSISx: Necrosis joined up in probably Dark Legions most difficult squads to be in at this moment. Due to the lack of communication and education given to the squad members, this squad has faced a lot of adversity in its journey to a split. Necrosis has assisted these guys in getting their numbers up while doing everything he could to hold the squad together and be the figurehead that their General (who has now quit) was not. It has been a very difficult ride for him, but one he has done brilliantly and somehow has maintained a sense of enthusiasm throughout it all. He could have given up at any point, and many people (even other great Captains) probably would have if they were in his place. But he has stayed the course and now finds himself on the brink of being promoted to General and heading his first squad split. Forum Staff of the Month - * RiiOT: How many times can I say this? Juggling his moderator responsibilities, serving the community with his awesome signature work, and now involved in clan ops on top of it all. Always a pleasure to talk to, and showing a degree of patience and kindness to users of this forum that few others demonstrate. DA BOMB. <3 Member of the Month -* KSI QueenJess 7: This girl is the absolute Poop. Making the time to teach members in FTLA, she mentors and influences our leaders every day (not just in class). On top of that, is one of the few to have made Senior Director and transition into it seamlessly, probably due to the fact that she was in essence doing the job before she had it. Half of KSi thought she was a Senior Leader already. Jess is a blast to interact with, both professionally and personally. Her leadership and wit make all of the difference whether its handling difficult issues, or "kissing the babies" as she makes time to hang out with the membership. Always encouraging, advising, guiding, and always with a dirty joke up her sleeve to smooth any situation over. Member of the Month hands down.
  10. LOL Luci I am trying to translate that Does that mean they will not be given out for January?
  11. Question: We voted for "Of the Month" at the end of January. Were those ever decided and awarded? I have looked but am not seeing any announcements on it. Gracias VL6
  12. THe game night I'm currently running in DL is designed to put the upper leadership of KSI in the same lobby as the average PVT/CPL/SGT/LT, etc to help establish relationships from the bottom up in a format where the upper leadership is not bombarded with issues that bypass the rank structure. By making it a casual "work free" night in the division with fun games and matchups of the Divisions choice, the spirit is kept lighthearted and drama free. Newer members and experienced leaders are thus able to joke and get to know each other outside of the established pecking order and see each other as members of the same family. If any other division is having a game night (prior to DL Weekly Action Packed Fun Night) where the lowest ranks are regularly teaming up with Division Leaders, Directors and Senior Directors, and everyone is able to get along and talk smack and have a great time bonding, And in a format that encourages members to peruse the forums at the same time for the humorous advertisements and opportunity to have an outcome on the events... I'm unaware of it.
  13. These standards created by Shaolin are an essential EVERY DAY tool used in DL. Shaolin's contribution has helped immensely in streamlining the process of getting not only new recruits but new Sergeants and officers to understand both what is and will be expected of them. Empowering them with this knowledge makes all the difference in their success.
  14. I'm a witness that this man every single day takes time out of his busy schedule for not only me for many members of DL, to assist... advise... encourage... correct... This guy is the real deal. He deserves this award a 10000 times over.
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