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About JewlzKristine

  • Birthday 11/21/1990

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Writing, gaming, eating, reading, gaming, and gaming.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Kitty Jewlz
  • Date Recruited
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Contact Methods

  • Kik

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  1. Lol you're not a SGT anymore! Can't fool me ;)

  2. ((XBOX 360 ONLY)) Come on in to Fun World!!! Where all your wildest dreams can come true! We have several attractions that would entice even the most meek into becoming a true hero or heroine, Or become a wealthy land owner, a miner, a house builder, you even have a chance to build your own rides if you want to. You can do anything in this world of wonder. (as long as you don't destroy it and no TNT) But there is a dark side to this wonderful world and I must warn you about the evil Nether Knight Squirrel. Do not let his appearance fool you because he will cause terrible mayhem in the world until someone can defeat him in his realm, The Nether. The first to be successful in killing this troublesome Knight will become King or Queen in this wonderful world. (as well as a $25 Microsoft gift card and a picture of KSI Squirrel, meaning we might be able to see what he looks like. But no posting it on the forums) All are welcome in this world, including the Secret Society of the Seven's, who have a special home we built just for you. We are open even when Spirit week ends so the fun will continue throughout the year if you so wish it. Please comment below your name(gamertag) and when you would be able to come. Do to a terrible sickness called the working man, (sorry guys I have to work) the world will be closed Thursday thru Saturday and Monday and Tuesday, from 1 pm - 11 pm Central time. Hopefully that will be the only down time for the world unless if the angry father rage comes. (dad doesn't like me playing video games) We open tomorrow at 7 pm central time. So please come and play for Fun. (or money or a picture of squirrel)
  3. I have my capture card put it doesnt work for PS3

  4. I was watching turbo fast on netflix. They got new episodes.
  5. I ordered my capture card and will be making movies with games. this is going to be awesome

  6. Making an outline for next month

  7. The walking dead is awesome. I am watching it from the beginning so this is going to be an interesting thing
  8. Welcome to the forums JewlzKristine :)

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