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KSI PaperBag 7

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KSI PaperBag 7 last won the day on April 17 2015

KSI PaperBag 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI PaperBag 7

  • Birthday 04/01/1981

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Billiards, Fishing and Gaming
  • Gamertag
    KSI Aries
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
  • Division
    Legendary Warriors
  • Rank/Title

Contact Methods

  • Kik

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Member (2/4)



  1. KSI Collector 7 is in my respects list for exactly the reason behind this nomination. He will do whatever it takes to make sure that KSI is where it needs to be. That includes answering his cell in the middle of the night to deal with an issue as well as taking on responsibilities of other ranking members. I know of several occasions in which a member has decided to skip through the rank structure and go straight for the Founder. Instead of turning the person away, Collector will take care of the issue and then let me or Green know what he did so there aren't any surprises. He could have easily told the person to go to their Gen or COFO but instead he took the time to help them out. Outstanding Service is the least he should get for all he has done for KSI.
  2. I am a witness to how far KSI Green 7 has gone out of his way to make this community better for everyone. There have been many late night discussions on how to do just that. I'm talking 3-4 in the morning when most people would be in bed or just avoiding any drama for the night. And even when he is not on Xbox he can be reached on his cell to lend aid or give advice. I highly doubt there is a single person in LW that does not know who KSI Green 7 is (excluding new recruits of course). And that is because he puts himself out there to help anyone at any time. If that is not going above and beyond, I would suggest looking up the definition.
  3. Member Assistance: Green has always been there for his KSI family. Members come before anything else. He has even answered members: questions through text while he was in class. That is just how he gets things done. Mentor: I claim Green 7 as my mentor. He has taught me everything I know about KSI. His leadership is what has driven me to be where I am now. I never thought I would be running my own squad when I joined KSI. Green's help and knowledge made the transition through the ranks easy.
  4. I can attest to the dedication and loyalty KSI Green 7 has for KSI. I have personally witnessed him being passed over for a position that he deserved by one of his own recruits, KSI Collector 7, who also deserved the 7 position. But where some people would have threw in the hat, Green persevered. And it would be hard pressed to find another member that holds as much knowledge of KSI.
  5. Member Assistance: KSI Ascendancy was the most knowledgeable officer when he was in Achilles. He was and still is handing that information on to the lower ranking members in the squad as well as his own. No one could contest the many of times he has been there to answer questions or assist a member with an issue. Helping Hand: Ascendancy has actually helped 7 members by giving them MSP cards for name changes. He had also donated to a member on Amazon. Mentor: He has worked with every officer in Achilles to help them better understand their role and helps prepare them for the next promotion. This guy has an incredible wing span to have taken as many people under them as he has.
  6. I have personal knowledge of KSI TickleMePlz going the extra mile to make sure that the members under his rank are as knowledgeable about KSI and it's procedings as they can be. This guy goes out of his way to motivate them to look at taking on that future officer position.
  7. Name: (KSI MadIntense/Achilles/LW) Link to Forums Account: Award-/-Achievement: (Trainer Award) Reason-/-Evidence: (This member has trained 48 members)
  8. Name: (KSI Gr33nB3r3t-/-Achilles-/-Legendary Warriors Link to Forums Account: Do not have the link to attach. Award-/-Achievement: (Committed) Reason-/- KSI Gr33nB3r3t has had a KSI Gamertag for 1 year now.
  9. Welcome to the forums KSI Aries :)

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