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Everything posted by KSI M1GHTY 7

  1. Team: Kicking Wing Event: 2v2 Rocket League Captains Gamer tag: KSI M1GHTY 7 Captains Division: DM Teammate 1: KSI Kilamanjaro
  2. Gamertag: KSI M1GHTY 7 Rank/ Title: Co Division Leader Squad/ Division to participate in workshop: DM Prefered console: One Estimated best time for workshop: Monday anytime after 6pm EST, and friday anytime after 2pm EST
  3. i was unsuccessful in finding it It was pinned at one point by KSI Doctor 7
  4. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI M1GHTY 7 Demonic Mayhem Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/25154-ksi-m1ghty-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Bright Idea Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I helped create the destiny section on the forums. With the help of KSI Duck 7 and KSI Mpliers 7, we spent hours debating how we would draw it up and how it can impact the community. The destiny section on the forums provided a place where all members regardless of rank and division were able to request help for whatever they needed in destiny both on the 360 and the one. By working together we were able to come up with an idea that would reach far beyond our specific divisions and truly impact the community in a positive way.
  5. what about an award for those who served in operations overseas for example, Afghanistan Comabt Veteran Operation Enduring Freedom 13-14 Iraq Combat Veteran Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-07 We would have to figure out a way to confirm this via DD214 or ERB they can edit out their ssn and other information but just show proof of deploying
  6. Where do I begin? Bandit not only does her duties as a co division leader but she is there for each and every member regardless of division. Bandit truly goes above and beyond for each and every member. I remember when I called her while I was on my way home from the bar at 2am in the morning. She stayed on the line with me until I got home.. She could have easily decided not to answer or even hang up in the middle of the call but the fact that she didn't shows you just how dedicated she is to this wonderful community. Bandit is the shining example of what every leader in KSI should be and is definitely most deserving of this award. As a matter of fact I believe this award is over due P.S. Let me know if this is descriptive enough and if need be I could edit and add more
  7. A lot of familiar names up there lol
  8. Name/Gamertag: KSI Mightymau5 Rank (If applicable): Menace Gen Time spent on the forums (Daily): I'm on the forums everyday for at least 3-4 hours Experience and Time in KSI: 3 months Skype (Required to be on Staff): mightymouse1217 Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP and what can you provide for the department? (Please provide details): I always wanted to join a department in KSI and I can't think of any better department than AAP. AAP is about giving back to the community and it would be an honor to be apart of that. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear back from you guys!
  9. System of a down and Rise Against
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