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The Shadow Realm
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About Bubbles

  • Birthday May 19

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  • Interests
    Softball,karate, music,cars (driving them) I love to swim and hike. And I love MW3 And Call of Duty Black Ops...OH snap cant forget to add GHOST lol
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  • Date Recruited
    February 13,2012
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  1. Welcome......:) 

  2. I need help with my rejoin app

    1. KSI Cuddles

      KSI Cuddles

      I could help if you still need it

  3. Shhhhhhhhhh I stole ya Fury!!!!

  4. muwahahahahahahahahahaha

  5. Yo !
    Havent seen you in a minute

  6. Good luck everyone remember it's fun time let's enjoy and spread dat spirit doe. Woooot very excited and proud let's do dis KSI...
  7. EF is IN DA HOUSE!!!!!! LET'S GO E.F.
  8. Its mind over matter,I dont mind that you dont matter. Dont be a follower E hoes come a dime a dozen...Just sayin #ratchetarmy.

  9. Ok this should drop some boxers.... I can vouch for Izzy he was under me in CO had some issues was put in WI. He tried to friend me for a year lol I recently accepted because of the growth and the improvement I have seen in him. He loves the join section lol but guess what?? Izzy you did it and you deserve this award. I am proud of you. You kept it going and pushed through you didnt let anything stop you and you made it. I truly hope that you can keep going sir. I hope this brings a smile to your face. It brought tears to my eyes. lol Just kidding buddy. I am happy to vouch for you. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can,apologize when you should. And let go of what you cant change. Let your past make you BETTER not BITTER!!
  10. OK this heffa here!!!! I must tread lightly as my very very favorite is Havoc lol OK to the point Bandit is one of the most out standing co div leaders I have seen in quite awhile. She goes above and beyond so much for her division her mic broke. Yes it broke from beat boxin her members into shape. TIGHTEN UP is what i hear from her. She takes on tasks and she is so eager to learn more. All she wants is a full time mentor lolol. I am proud of Bandit I mean her connection barely will keep her in game lobbies yet the girl is on the X1 and in a party helping members from rct to gen to cofo on the 360. All at the same time. Give her this award. I rest my case. Love you Smokiey.......lol
  11. I can vouch for Shinobi he deserves this award he works hard and he has stayed with it through some really hard and trying times he never avoids his duties,his members come first and he is just an awesome guy. Im proud to say he is my friend. He stuck with FI through good bad and ugly and he has a really awesome division. Im proud of you Shinobi.
  12. Founder, {Co-Founder?} Gamertag: KSI SMOKIEY 7 Rank: Founder DM, AG of AGONY Link: http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-smokiey-7/ Reason why: KSI SMOKIEY 7 I dont even know where to start. This woman is amazing. She is a very good person and the most dependant member any Division Leader or Leader could ask for. She is dependable and loyal. She will give her all and do it willingly.You dont find people that are dedicated the way she is. DM is truly lucky to have this woman as their member. Her and Havoc will go far. They already have. Division Leader KSI Havoc 7, Division Leader, Demonic Mayhem Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums...45-ksi-havoc-7/ Reason- Havoc is an aesome person. He is fair and he is just a good person.He gives his all and tries to please everyone he surrounds himself with. Havoc has showed remarkable talent and dedication within KSI as to being a division leader and dept. head. He deserves this award. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Paratroop 7 (Several Divs) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...si-paratroop-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Ok I have sooo much to say. Maybe even too much. LOL Paratroop 7.......I have known Paratroop for 3 years now. I have worked with him,learned from him,followed him,admired him and have been one of the people to ride Paras butt non stop. Luci Lux 7 can verify as he was my Director when he met me I give Para no mercy. I expect the very best from him because thats all he strives to do. He will help anyone anytime. He has come so far and has been through more changes than anyone I know. He will go to struggling and failing Divisions and give them 120% he will not say no. He may parayou out of every game you play with him lol but even the paracannot and will not stop Paratroop 7. He is currently helping literally every Div in KSI in some form or way. He is my Mentor and the best IA Head I have seen. I hope to one day be as helpful and dedicated as this man is to KSI. Para has had just about every issue come his way yet he stands tall and keeps on helping he deserves this award.
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