Senior Director
KSI QueenJess 7
The reason I feel Queen Jess deserves this award is because she is awesome at what she does I not only look up to her but I respect and value her opinion very very much. She gives 150% all day every day. And has the uncanny ability to defuse just about any situation that is thrown her way. She is awesome and is my mentor. I hope to be one day as great as she is in working with members in KSI.
KSI Paratroop7 CO,FN,DR,LS, IA
I believe Paratroop deserves this award because he is just a work horse plain and simple this man will sit at work and work sit at home and work and has made such big improvements to all four of the divisions he is over not to mention that he is the IA Co Head and is constantly protecting KSI and its members no matter who or what he has to do or talk to. I am so proud to say he is my director and really really cant stress how much Paratroop 7 deserves this award.
Division Leader
KSI RickGrimes7 Covert Ops
I feel Rick deserves this award because he is doing an amazing job with our division. he has his own ways of handling things and has really showed a different side of himself now that he is Div leader. He handles issues and has been my back bone whenever I have needed him.
Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
Link to forums account -
Reasoning why the deserve this -
KSI GeNoCiDeZ 7 Covert Ops
Geno deserves this award because he has really stepped up to the plate and helped out. He has a full time job a young child and a wife and still finds time to deal with his division. He has overcome alot of obsticles in his way and has shown that he is a valued member in CO. He has no problem saying hey I messed up or hey Im wrong and to me thats honorable.
KSI Camel 7 Covert Ops
Ok let me start by saying: I am a proud supporter of # Team Camel 7. This dubstepping Camel has been through alot and he deserves this award because he has showed me that through it all he is awesome and will do what it takes to help better our division.
KSI xRasta CO- Hostile
Ok sooo where do I start?? This man has been through it all and has had every bad,good,crazy type of predicament come at him and then some. He made a mistake and fixed it he worked and still works his butt off for his squad and our division he runs our Elite squad for BO2 and just is amazing with working with members he has built his once failing squad to one of the most strongest squads in CO and I am proud to say he is in my Division. Its an honor to work with him and he deserves this award.