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✧Booser Sensei✧

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About ✧Booser Sensei✧

  • Birthday 09/05/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    good 'ol Franklin, TN
  • Interests
    Guns, killing, etc...
    Football, Hockey, Rugby...
    Cars, Food, Sleep...
  • Gamertag
    KSI SirBooser
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  1. 615-364-0720, txt me if ya need me DR bros!

  2. 615-364-0720, txt me if ya need me DR bros!

  3. Gimme Back My Bullets - Lynard Skynard "I DRINK ENOUGH WISKEY, TO FLOAT A BATTLESHIP AROUND!"
  4. HA HAAA...... dangly parts....

  5. I feel pretty (anger management) OH so pretty!!!!!!!!
  6. (B.A.C. > 1.5)=not my fault....

    1. KSI FATTYBOY1212
    2. ✧Booser Sensei✧

      ✧Booser Sensei✧

      negative, my excuse was posted WAY beforehand n00b!

  7. Deadmau5 - Some Chords, Ghosts 'n' Stuff, Moar Ghosts 'n' Stuff Loves me some Deadmau5
  8. BBBEAST MODE!!!! but i got the CCR vinyl rocking at the moment
  9. General of the month- KSI Paratroop 7 He's very organized and has not let me down yet... our meetings are very professional, and anytime help is needed he's there Captain of the month- KSI BRUINS FAN He's been on point with his new squad, and as a Capt. always tried to help (even if its with someone's incompetence), and was essential to me getting acquainted with many of the people in Divine Reign. Lieutenant of the month- KSI V00D00 He's just a good 'ol southern boy, who can argue with that? Member of the month- KSI ELITE 115 He rectuited me, showed me the ropes, and is always there to throw down and have some fun... As a new LT he has a great chance to prove his potential, and btw he's a recruiting beast!
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