KSI ZombieLord (Gen Leonidas LW)
Reason: Alot of bad things happened in his life this year, one involving an ex ksi but he didnt give up, he didnt leave, hes been active all the time and only took a little time off to relax. Hes one of the most hard working people I know.
KSI Neilgro (3CPT Leonidas LW)
Reason: He went through this transfer strong and has done really well in helping them advance. He is a kind and thoughtful man and him and zombie are the only reasons why I have stayed this long.
Even though im not in their squad that both have helped me out so much more then they had to.
KSI ACIDxRAIN (Gen Beowulf LW)
Reason: He worked so hard before even becoming Gen tying and succeeding to prove himself over and over again, hes hardworking and has a good hold on serious and fun, he keeps the squad going.