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About KSI PR1D3 7

  • Birthday 02/08/1994

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  • Location
    In Kiki's basement
  • Interests
    Dust, unsharpened pencils, the little smudges you get on your computer screen when you touch it, and socks
  • Gamertag
    KSI PR1D3 7
  • Squad

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  1. ok and i also created JL a.k.a justice league
  2. Donor- umm idk how to prove it? ask fuzzy i guess. he'll tell you lol Division Creator- Um well i created it in 2009 along side of KSI Thunderpuss 7. If you need verification from a member Fuzzymeep is the only one i can think of off the top of my head that would remember that. Bright Idea- Rags and Joker created FnF along side of me. I had to leave about 2 months into it due to personal life issues and Joker got mad at me for it so he never credited me with it, however if you ask several different leaders that were around when FnF was created they will tell you i played a role in it. Once again you can ask Fuzzy or even worseplayer but im pretty sure worse was on jokers side when i left soo yeah. Mad Max- nvm i dont feel like getting into all of it, been here sence 05 and o have had to deal with way to much lol
  3. Name: KSI PR1D3 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...44-ksi-pr1d3-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Donor, Top Donor of the Month, Hot Topic, Committed, Division Creator, Bright Idea, Mad Max Reason-/-Evidence: Donor- I have Donated to the Marathon Gamers several times in the past, back in 2010 Top Donor of the Month- Back in 2010 I donated over $150 to Marathon gamers when KSI Darth Vader 7(you know what that is supposed to say) asked KSI to Donate. Hot Topic- http://www.ksiforums...blic-relations/ " New Tournament Name??????????????? " topic Committed- I have been in KSI sense 2005, My current account has been on live for 2 years. Division Creator- I along side of 2 other members created the SX (Darth Vader Extinction..i know its SE but we called it SX) division back in 2009. Bright Idea- I created the Public Relations program and I was an original creator of Friday night Fights Mad Max- Were to start... between leaders screwing me over to dealing with bs problems everyday for the past 60 some months lol :D thanks..umm "darth vader extinction" is supposed to say "7 Extinction" but for some reason every time i type 7-(the word not the number) it says "Darth Vader" after I hit save changes....People to varify all these things would be KSI FuzzyMeep 7, KSI Prophecyy 7, KSI DJ GAME 7, their are others but a lot of them are not around any more
  4. If you build it, they will come.

    1. KSI prophecyy 7

      KSI prophecyy 7

      who will come i will thts right build it and prophecy will come haha

  5. Welcome to the forums KSI PR1D3 7 :)

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