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KSI DarkAngeI 7

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KSI DarkAngeI 7 last won the day on July 9 2023

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About KSI DarkAngeI 7

  • Birthday 11/25/1998

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  • Gamertag
    KSI DarkAngeI 7
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
    Web Ops
  • Division
    Web Ops
  • Rank/Title
    Senior Forums Moderator

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    Just Angel #9109
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  1. I was sick this 4th I didn’t get to do anything lol
  2. I haven’t seen Star Wars in awhile but it’s on my list on things to watch
  3. Usually there will be a Easter egg hunt for the kids and my mom will make ham later that day
  4. I don’t watch it much but last years was good
  5. Gamertag: KSI DarkAngeI 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI DarkAngeI 7 Awards: Fresh Meat, Rising Star, Getting Popular, Well Known, Here to Stay, Legacy, All eyes on Me Evidence: I have over 24,000 profile views and have had my account since 2014
  6. Gamertag: KSI DarkAngeI 7 Forums: @KSI DarkAngeI 7 Award: Only Phans Evidence: I have a few followers somehow
  7. I can vouch for his clan ops 7 from CD
  8. Department: Forums Staff Gamertag: KSI Boootz 7 Link to Profile: @Boootz Qualifications: Nominee’s Current Rank: Forums Moderator Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? Yes Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes Awards: Forums Staff OTM, Join Mod OTM x2, Testimony: Why does this member belong in your Department’s Hall of Fame? Where do I start with this one. Boootz has been around web ops for some time now. She excelled at being a join mod. When she first became apart of our team she hit the ground running and was always picking up apps when she needed and kept up with her workload along with being able to keep up with her school work as well. Shes constantly active in the discord server. I’ve seen her shine as a senior join mod always being on top of things and helping out our join mods when they needed it. If they ever had a question there was no doubt she was there to answer it. She would always stay on top of apps that needed movement and would get with the join mod over the app to have movement. Over the course of time, there were instances where she needed to take some time for herself as she wasn’t feeling well. Like I’ve always told her, her personal life comes first overall, but she would always stick it out as long as she could without having to take time to herself. If that doesn’t show you how dedicated she is to the area. One thing she used to say is she was coming for that senior forums moderator position. Well she kicked butt and worked as hard as she could and achieved it. With added responsibilities, she also goes to school and works during the day but still finds time to be active with those below her. She has truly worked hard to get where she’s at and I’m beyond proud of her.
  9. Jewels and I have known each other since back from I was over CD, during those times she was a very active and friendly individual known across the division. When she first became a join mod, I didn’t realize who she was because her name was different lol. Over the course of her being a join mod she worked hard to gain all the knowledge she needed while asking questions along the way if she needed. After some time she achieved senior join mod and is by far one of the best ones we had. Jewels is constantly keeping up with the area and keeping us all informed on the day to day tasks she does. She is always there for our join mods with a friendly and welcoming attitude to help with whatever they need or to just talk if they need while also being able to give constructive criticism when needed. She is an amazing individual and I’m glad I get to work with her in the area. I can’t wait to see what is head for her in the future.
  10. Star is truly something else. The first time she joined web ops, she worked her butt off to gain as much knowledge of the area as possible and even achieved senior join mod. Unfortunately she left at one point but then she came back! She hit the ground running even harder to work her way back to old spot which she did and I’m proud to say that she has achieved more then just senior join mod. Star is now currently one of our Forums Moderators. One of the responsibilities we have is training our new join mods that come in and she has helped out with that since being a senior join mod and has done an amazing job at that. She is very active and always available if you need something or to ask a question. Her communication with our join mods and senior join mod is amazing. I can’t say much about clan ops but from what I’ve heard/seen, she kicks but at that as well. I’m glad I have the opportunity to work along side just an amazing individual
  11. Growing up we used to have block parties with all the neighbors and we’d have a cookout and everything. Good times.
  12. Hope everyone has a great Spirit Week!
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