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About KSI ODST 777

  • Birthday 07/25/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    NorthWest Indiana
  • Interests
    Gaming, Apple Products, Dismanteling, Rebiulding, Major is Engineering, Minor Business, Expected University: Purdue. Havin Fun and Chillin. I am a Christian and 777 is my lucky Number :)
  • Gamertag
    KSI Robbsta 777
  • Squad
    Journey of Last Strike
  • Rank/Title

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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KSI ODST 777's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. The Higher your Rank the More likely you've become a Corrupted Official

  2. Even our Greatest Leaders started out as privates

  3. Co-Founder KSI Anatomy Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Last Strike Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2435-ksi-anatomy-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - When you talk about Dedication, Seniority, and Just the Love that KSI shares within each member you're saying the exact definition of KSI Anatomy 7. The very Bases of KSI which are Knowledge, Strength and Integrity are shown through this single person everyday 24 hours a day. The amount of effort that he puts is almost unspeakable. And the tests that he has been put through are jaw dropping heart breaking and down right inspiring. His story is long and he's not even that high up. He has been hacked, lied to and even insulted, and he is still with us today. His knowledge is wide as he has seen the rise and fall of squads, divisions, and leaders. The countless number of times that he has been asked for help or advice. He responds with the solution and how he can and will help. The strength within all of us varies wether it be physical or mental. He uses both having the wide range of knowledge and the physical to work, go to school and during all this he figure's out how the divisions and its beloved squads within can do better. And finally his Integrity, When the word Anatomy comes you think of something on a molecular scale. This describes his valid character and how well he knows Last Strike and how it ticks. These are just a few examples of The Heart and Soul that Anatomy puts in on a daily basis. I Nominate KSI Anatomy 7 not just because of these admirable traits but because he is known as one of the best darn Cofounders of our generation. Have a nice day
  4. I Hold the high Score for Panic Ball Yes!!!!!!



  7. KSI ANTOMY 7 ( LS CO-FOUNDER) http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2435-ksi-anatomy-7/ Reason- I believe Anatomy should be Co-founder of the month due to his over the top work that he has performed over the past few months. Since he has been LS's CO-FOUUNDER the Division as a whole has become one of the best in KSI. Recruiting has gone up tremendously along with activity. Many of the failing squads are now turning up great results. He has been great with working with all of the officers and making all of our future ones prepare better for when its their turn to make KSI a better place. He is constantly active on the forums and part of the graphics team as well which supports my reasons even more that he extends beyond his Division in which he helps other Members make their experience better on the forums.
  8. TGIF No School for Two Days

  9. I Pulled the Trigger!!!!

  10. HalfWay through the week

  11. Are you sure it's Tuesday???

  12. Pre Ordered Black Ops II

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