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KSI Im Aggro

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About KSI Im Aggro

  • Birthday September 14

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States of America
  • Interests
    My interests are anime,xbox,life,and KSI
  • Gamertag
    KSI Im Aggro
  • Squad
  • Division
    Last Strike
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  • Kik
    DOC xxPhoenixx

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  1. Gamertag-KSI Kazekage( LS Desolate Gen) Link to their account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17584-fifth-kazekage/ The reason he deserves this- Kaze has always been looking out for me and helping me around the forums and he's turned me into a forums prostitute just like him. He's always been their when I need him about stuff about KSI and other stuff. Also he is a very trustworthy guy and he is a respectable guy.I really think he deserves this award. Gamertag-KSI EVOx(LS Desolate 4thCPT) Link to their account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22707-ksi-evox/ The reason he deserves this- EVO has been their when i'm down and when I fell sad he's always been their to play so games on the 360.He's also helped me out on the forums when I i'm confused about stuff and when Kaze isn't on.He is a very supportful guy and I think he deserves this award. Gamertag-KSI Hybrid(LS Desolate 3rdLT) Link to their account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18537-ksi-hybrid-1/ The reason he deserves this - Hybrid is such a awesome guy he's always their to help me around the forums and to meet new people in KSI.He still beat's me in fifa but it's ok.I think he deserves this award.
  2. We should do a 2v2 magic tournament or a Black ops 2 6v6 tournament
  3. Hello and welcome to my profile,you are welcome to do whatever you like here,just tell me first.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KSI Im Aggro

      KSI Im Aggro

      Everything's here,all you need to do is just image it and it will appear in front of you.Watch I will image a cupcake *Starts focusing on his hand* ta-dah.I'm going eat this cupcake alright.

    3. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7

      Is it a cupcake from KSI Emmy's kitchen?

    4. KSI Im Aggro

      KSI Im Aggro

      Yes of course it is,that's why it taset so good.

  4. I witness KSI Vigilante for this Award. He has answered all of my general questions about KSI and about the ranking system.
  5. Welcome to the forums CostCascade :)

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