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Cuddly 7

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About Cuddly 7

  • Birthday July 10

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    sitting on the edge of a cliff
  • Interests
    Who knows anymore, I'm just sitting around deteriorating to nothing
  • Gamertag
  • Date Recruited
    rerec 12-28-15
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  1. Why is it whenever a guy tells his woman that he loves her more, she doesn't believe him :(

  2. favorite band would be "We The Kings"
  3. Halo 5: Guardians - Hunt The Truth Ep.6
  4. If someone can help me with some relationship issues, I be very thankful

  5. I know if someone ever spoke to me, the first thing I'm always willing to bet I hear is: OMG your voice; or Your voice is so amazing; or (my favorite) I didn't expect that voice with your gamertag, I thought you were a girl xD. So if you want to hear something by all means message me on Xbox , you won't be disappointed ;)

  6. Been awhile since I actually got on here to see what's new or talk to anyone, but better late then never I guess

  7. That moment when you realized you'd under cooked the steaks :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cuddly 7

      Cuddly 7

      yeah it didn't cross my mind ,and now my stomach is paying the price

    3. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7

      :( That sucks. Should go out to the drug store and buy some Meclizine, it's quite safe, great for nausea.
    4. Cuddly 7

      Cuddly 7

      I'll just tough it out

  8. Welcome to the forums Cuddly 7 :)

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