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Sarcasm †

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Everything posted by Sarcasm †

  1. ImPyyy is a fegggggggggg. :D

    1. Scotland


      Poor Impy, being bullied

  2. If you got erased off of xbox on my account aka Temp Sarcasm, an old friend of mine who is really pissed at me erased all of my friends.

    1. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7

      Re-add me when you get a chance. GT: KSI Lafayette 7

      Need to have my daughter on my friends list!

    2. KSI OG

      KSI OG

      Re-add me too when u get a chance as we'll? my gt: KSI OG Gods. When we doing the 1 v 1 on ghost? Sniping quick scope an d no scope

  3. im literally my own best friend like i have inside jokes with myself and sometimes i'll think something funny and start laughing out loud at how funny i am... :D

  4. the only reason im fat is because a tiny body couldnt store all the personality.

  5. can you pretend im not ugly and annoying and just fall inlove with me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarcasm †
    3. Bruhhh


      Youre not ugly or annoying and i already am <3

    4. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7

      Most definitely. Look at my profile for the link.

  6. how can i be ready for the future when i'm not even ready to get up in the morning?

  7. what's the point of hot boys if none are mine?

    1. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7

      You can stare at their butts without feeling guilty.

  8. i hate people that go to sleep early because then i have no one to talk to. the struggle is so real.

    1. Impy


      you poor thing

  9. lazy rule: cant reach it? dont need it.

    1. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7

      This girl right here does the most status updates i've ever seen.

  10. 3 words, 8 letters. say it and im all yours.

    1. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7

      lol. I love you. Clever girl!

    2. Sarcasm †

      Sarcasm †

      actually its I got food. haha

    3. Lafayette 7
  11. ^alone on the fourth? sorry bud. well im watching all seasons of Family Guy now
  12. i dont need a boyfriend, i need 12 million donuts and a pizza. :D

    1. Impy


      That might be a little bit much, but hey. You do you.

    2. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7

      Come be a part of me and Natalie's family! We provide donuts and pizzas!

    3. Sarcasm †

      Sarcasm †

      ImPyyy hey I like me my food. Laffy Taffy, really :D I like donuts and pizza!!!!!

  13. happy 4th of july everyone! i hope y'all have a amazing day of family, food, and fireworks.

    1. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7

      You too, Sarcastic Lady.

  14. "What are you twelve?" yeah on a scale of one to ten, bye. :D

  15. my mom is the only person who thinks i'm awesome.

  16. sleep is for the people without internet access.

  17. "crap its 5 a.m." i say every day at 5 a.m. as if i am surprised...

  18. the bae thinks me saying "die" is cute. ._. weirdo.

  19. when i see a homeless man i immediately think, 'why did his parents let him play video games?'

  20. I love Halo and CoD sound tracks best.
  21. where can i get one of those kim kardashian or paris hilton jobs where they just kind of pay you to exist?

  22. i honestly dont know why i look forward to summer so much. literally all i do is watch netflix and sleep.

  23. "be strong," i whispered to my wfi signal. c;

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