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KSI Trump

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About KSI Trump

  • Birthday 11/25/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Las Vegas, NV
  • Interests
    Running my own non-profit, tennis, work(I LOVE MY JOB!), running, and talking to people :)!
  • Gamertag
    KSI Trump
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  1. Some may hate.. but anything by Sam Smith. He is such a great artist. I could listen to him forever. This song relates to an incident that happened 2 days ago
  2. Name: KSI Kazekage (General - Last Strike/Desolate) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...fifth-kazekage/ Award-/-Achievement: Mad Max Reason-/-Evidence: I feel the Kazekage deserves this award because he has been through a lot in KSI and a lot with Desolate. We are one of the loudest squads and I think that loudness can drive any man or woman crazy.

  4. Symphony today!! Were being professionally recorded!

  5. KSI Kazekage (General Last Strike/Desolate) - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17584-fifth-kazekage Kazekage has shown remarkable leadership since I have been in KSI. He has answered EVERY question I have asked him. Kazekage has a lot of respect in Desolate because of his amazing personality and amazing leadership skills. I felt very welcomed by Kazekage and he has been helping me get through KSI. He is leading me in the correct direction and doing whatever he can to motivate me as well as others to climb the ranks and be the best they can be. That is why he deserves this award. KSI Vigilante (Lieutenant Last Strike/Desolate)- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/23245-vigilante/ Vigilante has been a spectacular Lt. As soon as he started training me to be in KSI I knew he was something I could have those heart to hearts with. He made me feel so welcome. He invites me to parties when I am alone. He does everything he can in his power to make each member of the clan feel special. I see it every time I am in a party with him. He doesn't put down a single person and represents KSI well. Vigilante deserves this award because of his spectacular leadership skills, his passion towards KSI, his ability to train so well, and his kindness. KSI MsVigilante Member (SSGT Last Striker/Desolate)- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/23612-lea-monique/ MsVigilante has gone far in her short career here at KSI. She was also the one who recruited me. MsVigilante has been showing outstanding leadership skills and is not afraid to speak her mind on any situation. I respect her for this and think that is one reason she deserves this awared. MsVigilante also wants to be friends with everybody. Her charisma is outstanding. I also think MsVigilante deserves this award because of her recent promotion to SSGT. This is an honor that a lot of people (including me) want in Desolate and she was the lucky one to be promoted, so congrats to her on that! That is why I think MsVigilante deserves this award.
  6. The forums are now my life.

  7. Temporarily absent June 30th - July 3 or 4

  8. Welcome to the forums KSI Trump :)

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