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KSI John S117

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Everything posted by KSI John S117

  1. Div: TW GT: KSI John S11 7 Leader who approved: KSI Cole 7
  2. KSI Lead Storm http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/236-ksi-lead-storm/ Committed, KSI Anniversary Evidence: See forums profile and ask KSI Neuron 7 or KSI Greg 7 for committed
  3. Who's ready to get Litt up

  4. Name: (KSI Lead Storm-Lethal-DM Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/236-ksi-lead-storm/ Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance,Grifball,Sniper,Hot topic. Reason-/-Evidence: Hot topic-http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/topic/4391-halo-wars-group/ Grifball and Sniper- Previous General will vouch(KSI Neuron 7) Member Assitance- As the General of my squad I must assist the members of my squad daily. I have gone above and beyond dealing with issues and situations within my squad.
  5. Lazers isnt sexy and je doesnt know.Pooplplolol

  6. KSI Lethal DM General

  7. KSi Lead Storm: KSI Lethal DM 2nd Cpt.

  8. KSi Greg 7 has been a mentor to me my entire Ksi career. I owe my maturity strength of character and squad running skills to Greg and sincerely feel he deserves this award. PS ty Greg
  9. I'm slipping, need KSI...gasp... oh sweet relief, you bought those batteries I asked for.

  10. Welcome to the forums KSI Lead Storm :)

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