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KSIxLEGIONx7 last won the day on April 29 2024

KSIxLEGIONx7 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 09/10/1980

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  1. My favorite 4th of July was when I was in my late 20s ..I invited all my family and friends and threw a big block party with bbq and fireworks it was great the kids absolutely loved it
  2. This year I'll be salt River rafting in Arizona Next year I don't really have anything planned .. I'm just going with the flow.. Lol
  3. Love And shoutout to @KSI Anti LegionFor being the best little brother I could of ever ask for. thank for sticking it out with me in KSI ..💯🙏😇
  4. I used to love going to the big parks and watching the lowriders and exotic cars come around while we have big cook outs
  5. Gamertag: KSIxLEGIONx7 Forums Account: @KSIxLEGIONx7 Awards: 2023 Donor Fresh Start OTY Attendee Reason/Evidence: I sent bits in last nights OTY awards
  6. This year I want to find true love
  7. The best Christmas I ever had hasn't happened yet ..but it will tomorrow count on that ..
  8. Name: KSIxLEGIONx7 Link to Forums Account: @KSIxLEGIONx7 Award-/-Achievement: First Step, Rolling Subscriber, Enduring Subscriber, Anniversary Subscriber Reason-/-Evidence: been Subscribed for a total of 15 months. Award-/-Achievement: Summertime Scorcher, United We Stand, Donor 2022 Reason-/- Evidence: Currently have a 2 month subscription to Twitch.
  9. Department: Production Gamertag: KSIxAsuma 77 Link to Profile: @KSIxAsuma 77 Qualifications: Nominee’s Current Rank: Department Head Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? Yes Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes Awards: all Testimony: How does one explain why this great man deserves to be in the Productions Hall Of Fame? Let me begin by talking about his involvement in Productions like any great leader Asuma has devoted hours upon hours making the Productions Department what it is today. His time in Productions was filled with reshaping how things operated and focusing hard with communication and productivity. When i first joined the Productions team, i had no understandings of what streaming or editing was but he was willing to teach me and show me and the productions team everything we know and much more. I may not have been there, through his whole production career but I know he's done alot by spearheading both editing and livestreaming. I still remember the first time i joined the productions team I was very timid but he had a very chill vibe about him " I know because I can spot my own " which made it easy to work with him and to understand how everything works it's been a great pleasure learn from him. I hope he never leaves or steps down it would be a great loss to our KSI community and if so then I know he'll be ready for his next adventure promoting his own livestream which everyone should go follow and subscribe @spades_gaming25... wink wink...But that being said in my opinion he is well overlooked and well overdue for this nomination and gets my KSI stamp of approval
  10. Name: KSIxLEGIONx7 Link to Forums Account: @KSIxLEGIONx7 Award-/-Achievement: Big Kahuna Award-/-Achievement: Sea of Thieves Reason-/-Evidence: Currently have over 80 awards
  11. Today is one the best 4th of July..I get to spend it with the most amazing online family and friends in KSI .
  12. Name: KSIxLEGIONx7 Link to Forums Account: Award-/-Achievement: I <3 Awards, Award Senpai Award-/-Achievement: Smite, R6 Siege Reason-/-Evidence: Currently have 78 awards.
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