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FGA Vocality 7

The Shadow Realm
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FGA Vocality 7 last won the day on May 28 2015

FGA Vocality 7 had the most liked content!

About FGA Vocality 7

  • Birthday 09/25/1996

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  • Location
    Charlotte, NC
  • Interests
    just ask ill tell ya c;
  • Gamertag
    KSI BabyMama
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    I got banned
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    member chewbacca?
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    aww i member

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FGA Vocality 7's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/4)



  1. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Havoc 7 Senior Director Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/8645-ksi-havoc-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I have had a lot of stress on me this past month and a half. Havoc was able to tell and was always be able to boost my mood with some encouraging words I never asked for. He wants to help in every way he can even if he doesn't fully understand. He enjoys spending time with a lot of people even when he finds himself to be busy cause he wants to be social with everyone he never forgets his members. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Lafayette 7 Director Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/9279-lafayette-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this -Lafayette deserves this award because he's been there every time I had needed his help. Hes not afraid to lead by example. He follows everything that KSI stands for when ever need be. He has become a mentor to help me learn to be a better leader for my squad and I couldn't ask for anything better. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Masta 777 Division Leader DM Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/20214-ksi-bandit-77/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Masta AKA Banditt Deservers this award because she has showed me what my faults were. And how I was stubborn she didn't give up and helped me change helped me realize where the faults lied and how I can change them. Ever since she helped me with her "Words of wisdom" I have changed greatly for the better of my squad and my divison. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Terrors 7 Founder MP Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/15895-turururururs-seven/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Terrors has stood through the good and the bad for MP and with as much as he hates to admit it hes on of the best founders ive ever been under. He motivates he Leads and he inspires. He puts his neck on the line for his members and always looks to improve himself. He always asks his members for help because he understands he needs us as much as we need him. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Starset 7 Co-Fo LW Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/27357-starset-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Starset has put everything he can into this community not only working hard as my co head but as a t n e member as a court judge and being a co founder. He gets his name out there and in a positive way hes always wanting to improve he works hard at everything he does. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI POLARB34R Gen Hypnos LW Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31411-ksi-polarb34r/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjI5NjMwLCJpZF8yIjo2NTA4NDB9 Reasoning why the deserve this - Ill be honest I have not known him long but every time I see him I can tell that he keeps a positive attitude and has a genuine intrest to anyone he meets hes a great all around person. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Blizzy 4CPT Torture MP Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31642-tebes21/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Hes one heck of a guy who has really stepped up and helped me out when I needed it most he constantly wants to learn and will do everything it takes to do so. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxxJester 3LT Torture MP Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32780-ksixxjester/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjI3ODI1LCJpZF8yIjo2MzkyNTh9 Reasoning why they deserve this - He is very social with the squad he takes his role seriously but also enjoys it He likes the opportunity to lead some of the SGTS. Hosting tornys, Game nights, and more he really know what it takes to be an officer to help the squad be at its full potential.
  2. thanks and congrats to all of you as well
  3. hey just spoke to you on xbox this is my profile thanks






  4. Creator of Torture MP.


  5. KSI Vocalz Maximum Punishment Black ops 3
  6. Name/ Gamertag: KSI Terrors 7 Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Co-founder Category Nominating for: Co-founder of the Year Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/15895-ksi-terrors-7/ Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: Terrors deserves this reward because he takes the time to get to know every member in his division. I have gotten to know him to where i know he has at least 2 jobs in real life yet still gets on every night to handle KSI. Let alone his wife and kid. He puts in his full dedication to MP. He is currently our only 7 in MP and wants to make sure he excels well within. He tries his hardest and I say he succeeded. So far I have witnessed him doing his duties for other people. going to Div meetings hosting generals meetings just like any other Co-Fo? No he was taking 2 jobs in one. He has always took the time out to reach out to anyone and talk to them help them with whatever they need whether its personal or not. He definitely knows how to go above and beyond. Name/ Gamertag: KSI Starset 7 Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Co-Founder Category Nominating for: General of the Year Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/27357-starset-7/ Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: Starset has definitely has stepped outside of the box and has done things i haven't seen in a long time. He has done an outstanding job getting around in KSI if it were a city hed be around every corner. His example for LW has turned him into a role model. His example in web ops has gone to extremes. He went from collector to archiever to Co-head in history, hes a great writer for the news team. He puts himself to work just to help KSI as a whole grow. I look up to him myself. Hes a wonderful person to get to know so i believe he deserves this award. Name/ Gamertag: KSI slytherin 7 Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Co-Founder Category Nominating for: Member of the year Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28518-ksi-slytherin-7/ Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: He has learned from mistakes hes made and put them to good use. He strives to achieve and to help. He wants to be a good leader in anything he gets involved in. He strives to be the best example for anyone around him and will always find a way to be that example. He is always there to listen as well. You ask for a lending hear hed gladly lend. For that fact alone i think he deserves this award. He truely cares and his heart has always been fully in KSI.
  7. I understand I was only asking because it is something the team has brought up several times to me I thought id at least try to push it for them if I pushed to hard I do apologize thank you for at least hearing me out
  8. however the history team is fairly new to ksi again why not give them an aap award
  9. I am a squad reviver. :)

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