Alright i gotta give my vote to this guy. He was one of the best Generals in KSI I've had and im happy to see he got his promotion to founder recently as it was a well deserved one.
hes constantly doing something to benefit the whole and has been a really big inspiration for me.
theres so much more i could say about this guy but im not sure if theres a text limit.
Drum roll please? *Drum role initiates*
Founder, Echo LS
Best General?
KSI Scotland 7
General,Echo LS
leading back to the top paragraph he was a big help and inspiration. he was always pushing people to do more, do better and i think thats cool
Best Sargent?
Dang this is really where it gets tough. ive known so many Sargents this year it becomes hard to choose even a top 10 list, let alone a top Sargent. but i think when i take a step back and look Fozzy would probably be who i would pick. hes one of those guys who you can instantly get along with and everyone is always happy to see him. i think he really deserves the Sargent Vote.
KSI FozzBot
4CPT,Legend, LS
Senior Leader(KSI Greg 7)
Gamertag (KSI Greg 7) -
Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - i think that when im watching a livestream on twitch or a video on youtube i find what greg has to say the most intresting, although queen would be a close second.