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yaSrel eRsul

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yaSrel eRsul last won the day on July 30 2014

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About yaSrel eRsul

  • Birthday 11/27/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Flint MI
  • Interests
    Classic Rock and Metal, guitar, drums, tennis, biking, gaming, learning, money, meats, and pastas.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Roker
  • Squad
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  • Rank/Title
    1st Lieutenant

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  1. Dave Lombardo vs John Bonham would be the best drum battle in history.

  2. Banjo Kazooie did have an awesome soundtrack. My friend's brother has even memorized it all on the piano lol
  3. Fight as hard as you want, in the end the Last Strike is all that matters.
  4. I feel obligated to vouch for Scotland here despite my relatively low amount of experience with him compared to others. I'll start by saying that Scotland rules; and I very rarely say that about things that aren't Slayer so know that that is a huge compliment from me. I wasn't aware that a single member could be so active in KSI affairs until I met him, and I used to be extremely active myself back in Global. Or so I thought, because Scotland seems to be either online or on the forums talking to people 24/7 (sometimes he even pulls straight gangster moves and does it on both at the same time!), making sure that they're enjoying their stay in KSI while simultaneously keeping things as clean and mature as possible. How he finds time for a job and a social life as well I'll probably never know, because he seems to want to get to know every member that is in his squad as if he were a personal friend. If ever there was a member who deserved an outstanding service award more than Scotland I'd like to meet that member, because outstanding barely begins to describe how incredibly Scotland serves his squad and community as a whole. I consider myself to be a slacker and a half now, but his effort literally makes me feel as though I should be doing more to help improve our squad. If everyone aspired to be like Scotland, KSI would be more like a boot camp for great leaders cleverly disguised as a gaming community.
  5. Founder: KSI Shivah 7 Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-trainer-shivah/ Reason: I can't say alot that hasn't already been said, but aside from being one of the nicest and most fun-loving people I've met, her presence on the day of my recruitment definitely helped spur my excitement about being back in KSI. She is also extremely active in the individual squads and seems to genuinely care about every member. And she does it all while training an oversized team of Pokemon. General: KSIxScotland Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17241-shivahs-flareon/ He's on Live every single day talking to people, sending messages from the squad tag about upcoming events, and occasionally even playing Halo. He doesn't just keep things running smoothly either, he improves them as we go along. Proof of this is his recent institution of separate, optional meeting times for a few people in the UK that couldn't make the normal 8:00 ones. When he's not on Live, he's on the forums doing pretty much the exact same thing. Captain: KSI D3struction Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20563-shivah-charizard/ Probably the most helpful person as far as individuals go, his time spent on Xbox is shorter than most, but when he is on he's usually found strengthening a new member's interest in KSI. He's also a very reliable Co-Captain of our headhunter's team, and I don't believe I've ever heard him speak negatively about other players before (which is more than I can say for myself). He's a valuable asset to KSI and a commendable person in general.
  6. *gives high five* Good to see someone else who knows that Slayer f***ing rules!
  7. Best band that ever was and ever will be? Led Zeppelin, without question. My personal favorite band? SLAYERRRR!!!
  8. Welcome to the forums KSI Roker :)

    1. yaSrel eRsul

      yaSrel eRsul

      Good to be back! Honestly I'm surprised to see you're still around after all this time.

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