Name/ Gamertag: KSI Scotland 7
Current Rank/ Title in KSI: AAP Head
Category Nominating for: Department Head
Forums Profile Link:
Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: I feel that Scotland deserves this award because he has not long been in the position he is in now, yet he shows experience beyond that of what you'd expect for the length of time he has held the position. He has introduced many new things such as new training for members of the AAP department, and promotes the AAP department constantly, by sending out messages on Xbox, and by promoting within the forums. The awards and achievements are always done promptly and there is no waiting around for excessive amounts of time when you have nominated someone, or been nominated for an award. Not only does Scotland run a well kept AAP department, but he is always on hand to offer advice wherever it may be needed, and I still consider him my prime source of information and training techniques when it comes to clan ops.
Name/ Gamertag: KSI Duffs 7
Current Rank/ Title in KSI: GZ Founder
Category Nominating for: Co-Founder
Forums Profile Link:
Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: Wow. Where do I start? At the beginning I suppose. When I first transferred to Pride from the best squad in KSI, Duffs was a Sergeant, when Duffs took the plunge to become an officer I had a hand in training him, though it was easy to see that I wouldn't be training him for very long, as he was climbing the ranks like a monkey climbing a tree. Soon he surpassed me and went on to become the General of Pride, in which he did an amazing job, not just by promoting the growth of the squad and bringing in new recruits, but by bringing the fun back into meetings and gamenights, and bringing the squad closer together than it had ever been in my time there, then on Pride's anniversary, I was set to be promoted to 1st Captain, but both Duffs and I received quite the shock hen I was promoted to general and he to co-fo, I was literally speechless (And that doesn't happen often :p). Duffs took the rank in his stride and went on to do for the whole of GZ, what he did for pride as general. He is always supportive of new ideas and plans that could take the squads and the division as a whole to new places, and I hope he will always be there to guide us all.
Name/ Gamertag: KSI TOMTWIN
Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Bravery GZ 3CPT
Category Nominating for: Captain
Forums Profile Link:
Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: Tom. My bruh. An outstanding officer, and an outstanding person. Even though he is not currently in my squad, I have had the pleasure of officer-ing alongside him, and helping to train him. He is the epitome of what an officer should be, and strives to achieve what's best for his squad, he spends a lot of time recruiting, and doing many duties of the often absent general, all while finding time to have fun, and complete his studies at university. I can see Tom going onto a generals position, and making a wonderful job of it, and I hope one day to see him sporting a 7 on the end of his GT, because the way he is going, it won't be too long before that happens. Today, 3rd Captain, tomorrow CEO. #justsaying
Name/ Gamertag: KSI H3LLBRING3R
Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Pride GZ 3CPT
Category Nominating for: Lieutenant
Forums Profile Link:
Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: The way this guy soaks up information and knowledge about KSI he should change his name to KSI Sponge! H3LLBRING3R is an officer who has a rather unique position, or as I see it anyway. When I became general I was required, due to other officers leaving or stepping down, to train a whole new officer staff, with h3llbring3r being the first. He has a passion for KSI, he attends every event we do, whether it's a gamenight, meeting, gens meeting, or a tournament at 2am, he will be there. He has trained some of the other officers in Pride and has done a job that I doubt I myself could have beaten. If I ever move up to a 7s position, I will feel happy knowing that my squad is in the safe and capable hands of this man. And I look forward to handing him basically half of the squad when we make the jump to the X1 in January, as he will stay looking after the people still on the 360, and will help by running regular meetings etc. For these reasons I truly believe that there is no one better qualified to receive the award for LT of the year, and I would be so very happy to see this man receive the same award that I won last year, as I know how much it means.