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KSI Mufasa 7

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Everything posted by KSI Mufasa 7

  1. I will award all of these tomorrow. Topic closed
  2. Halfway back to the states :)

    1. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      you need to get stuck in the UK for a few days :P so i can get hug visitation rights

  3. Need some movement on this for OS witnesses. Closing in 48 hours
  4. Co fo or above witness required for master recruiter
  5. Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, here it is, your own divisional of the month thread. Each month your division will have the ability to nominate its finest SGT/SSG, Lieutenant, Captain, and General for a Divisional OTM award. At the end of the month, the AAP will collect the nominations and award one member of each of the mentioned names with their own Divisional Of The Month award to be displayed on their profile. Below is the format for nominating your deserving member. Remember, the ranks open for the Div OTM awards are SGT/SSG, LT, CPT and Gen. Name: Link to Forums Account: Award-/- Achievement: Reason-/-Evidence:
  6. Topic closing in 72 hours. Needs some movement guys
  7. There are a lot of nominations here, your going to need a lot of witness testimonies Bring em foreward
  8. Trainer: YES OS LVL1: More Witnesses Required Mentor: 0/5
  9. Mentor: YES Master Recruiter : YES Awarded and Closed
  10. Outstanding Service: Need more witnesses and PLEASE be more discriptive Member Assistance: 3/3 YES
  11. Mentor: 3/5 Master Recruiter: requires CO FO or higher witness
  12. Mentor: 5 Members to claim you as mentor Master Recruiter: Co-Fo or higher witness
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