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KSI Mufasa 7

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Everything posted by KSI Mufasa 7

  1. OS LVL2 (Silver): MORE WITNESSES Mentor: 1/5 Master Recruiter: YES
  2. Stop looking at my profile, and go do something productive

  3. ok members, just so that EVERYONE is on the same page, here are the EXACT defenitions/requirements to receive these OS awards that you are suggesting. Gold Outstanding Service -* [FOUNDER AND HIGHER] One of the most prestige awards in all of KSI. Reserved for the most elite KSI members. Definitively One of the Best in KSI [Minimum requirement of one year in KSI] Silver Outstanding Service -* [General Rank and higher] Member Out performs All expectations of Rank and accomplishments are considered beyond all their Previous levels of performance. [Minimum requirement of six months in KSI] MAKE SURE that your testimonies from the witnesses parallel the gravity of the awards he is being submitted for.
  4. Keep in mind the more descriptive you are, the stronger the testimony is
  5. I think a senior director and a board director are sufficient enough proof. Yes.
  6. KSI Tesion, On the first page there is a very easy to follow COPY PASTE format template for how you are supposed to submit someone for nomination. Myself and the other AAP members NEED you to put their forum link in the nomination. Please follow the provided criteria. Thank you.
  7. Forum Staff Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Luci 7 / SR Forum Mod Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22-lucimewgoruawr/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Despite the fact that I would not let this man anywhere near my children, and he has a court order against being within 100 ft of a school district, this should not overshadow the fact that he has done more for the forums than many of us will ever know. He is one of the main reasons that the forums are relatively spam free and navigable. He puts more hours in KSI on a daily basis than most of us do in a week, and somehow still finds time to harass members in the SB But in all seriousness, this member is the purest definition of Dedicated, Through and Through.
  8. KSI Madball13, This particular AAP topic is strictly for the End Of Month Awards and nominations. If you would like to recommend KSI DOMO for another award not pertaining to this criteria, you need to make a separate post in the AAP following the correct format
  9. Hey guys just a friendly reminder, when you are nominating someone, keep in mind, your testimony or witnessing for a member is with the goal of setting them apart from other members of the same rank that they are competing against. Statements such as : he has been a great general he lead his squad to a split and hes one of the best generals I know and She's been the most helpful to are Div as well of helping out octane , she help out may people in the div and me also. im not saying they are BAD statements , however they don't have much depth to them or really tell us what this member has done to stand out from the other nominees. Try to be descriptive and give examples to give your nominee the best chance to win !
  10. Level 2- Yes Level 3- Yes Most Outstanding-Yes
  11. Gerd Jerb Gurs! Congrats to those who won, and to those who didn't, Hope to see your names again next month!
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