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KSI ChaosWolf

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About KSI ChaosWolf

  • Birthday 05/10/1993

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Louisville, KY
  • Gamertag
    KSI ChaosWolf
  • Squad
  • Division
    Demonic Mayhem (DM)
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  • Kik

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  1. Founder, {Co-Founder?} Gamertag: KSI SMOKIEY 7 Rank: Founder DM, AG of AGONY Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20214-ksi-smokiey-7/ Reason why: KSI SMOKIEY 7 is KSI's Founder of the year. Smokes has gone above and beyond for KSI for quite some time now, however my personal experience under her leadership has been short-lived, yet dense with wisdom. As Co-Founder over DM, She held the responsibility of Acting General over AGONY, a squad with VERY low activity, and very little enthusiasm. As a fresh transfer to AGONY, Smokes cast a vision to me of what she saw in AGONY. She saw a squad with potential to grow into a powerful squad in DM. Smokes put together a group of seemingly random officers and built a team capable of bringing a dwindiling BO2 squad back to life. AGONY is beginning to blossom with life after a VERY long dry season thanks to Smokes' oversight and dedication. She took our officer staff and not only instructed and led us well, but inspired us to come together as an unstoppable force. I say that, to say this, Whether or not Smokes is awarded this MOTY, years from now AGONY DM will be speaking of the infamous SMOKIEY 7 who brought our squad where it is today. Thanks SMOKIEY!!!
  2. They still hatin, but it aint workin...

  3. Yo im on GTAV, any KSI online?

  4. Welcome to the forums KSI Reticle :)

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