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Everything posted by DoCNeSS

  1. The Only Thing Worse Than Being Blind Is Having Sight And No Vision

  2. Hot Topic Link(s): http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/topic/7388-ksi-dark-legions-crown-game/ *** Also has previous experience with running other crown's games: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/topic/4333-ksi-crowns-game-for-raptureplaguesythe/
  3. http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3212-ksi-apollyon-x7/
  4. Miss ya buddy. r.i.p

  5. Senior Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI QueenJess 7, Senior Director - ALL Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...si-queenjess-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I don't even know where to start to be honest. She motivates and promotes others to participate and do great in clan ops on COD Elite and occasionally rewards them for doing good. To give you an idea, Global 1 (the first KSI created elite clan) is sitting at lvl 49 and she has motivated her members to shoot up the ranks catching to lvl 42 in just a few weeks! Literally one of the most active and productive members in FTLA and continues to spread that good KSI knowledge around officially. Sound & knowledgeable mentor to many. She exhibited excellent leadership skills this month as she always does. Particularly wanted to mention how quickly she takes care of things. When she says she's going to do something, you can bet your everything that she's going to get it done. Very professional and has earned the respect of many this month as well as many previous months by simply being the proactive & productive member she is. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Roman 7, Director - Twisted Warfare / Dark Legions Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...89-ksi-roman-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Recently appointed to Dark Legions as Director and is already making waves to better the division in a huge way. Dove head first into some heavy issues and took care of them all in a timely efficient manner. Addresses each member with respect and makes himself approachable. Has come up with some great ideas on how to better the division and have already been implemented. Recently helped Global 1 members this past weekend in a big way by assisting other members using tailored custom classes that support the others. He's not one to steal the spotlight from anyone, but rather highlight someone else's moment. Great guy. Great leader. Doing great things in TW and DL. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Lazar 7, Co-Div - Dark Legions Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...10-ksi-lazar-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Has made HUGE strides to push recruiting and retaining members within his division. DL is making a comeback driven by it's members, steered by Lazar. He's doing a good job over there especially over the last month with getting members the necessary training they need and handling member issues quickly. He has made himself available on and off the xbox to ensure every member is taken care of. He puts so much into DL that he tends to go overboard with his above-and-beyond efforts. A great leader. A great mentor. He's a great asset to KSI and especially DL. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Skillz 7, Founder - Royal Prophecy Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...r/662-skillz-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He was once the big man on campus in Dark Legions for a reason and you don't make it there without proving yourself several times over. He continues to do so on a regular basis as Founder in the newly created division Royal Prophecy. Has come up with some outstanding ideas to foster morale within the division such as "Squad of the Month" pushing game nights and outright making the best decisions for his division. Him being the founder is obviously working as Royal Prophecy is experiencing some huge morale boosts and having a sense of self/squad/div pride. He's doing a great job and should certainly be recognized. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI iBOMBz, CoFo - Royal Prophecy - Savage / Warlords Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...ser/666-ibombs/ Reasoning why they deserve this - With all that's going on in FI this guy is the tip of the spear to train, assist, and guide young members. Brings the hammer when need be to those who violate the code of conduct. Highly active xbl making himself available to all his members. Will go out of his way to keep things running smoothly and help other members when in need including fellow 7s. Personally assisted me with some heavy issues and would do it again if need be. Is a great mentor to many and his leadership skills show regularly. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Wars 7, Royal Prophecy / Warlords Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.../3015-ksi-wars/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Promoted to CoFo 2 days ago for good reason. This guy has put together a hell of a squad. He's motivated & guided his members to create a beast of a squad. Warlords is one to be reckoned with all thanks to this guy and the members he leads. Upholds the code of conduct without question. Is a good mentor to most and great leader. Commands attention when he speaks. Reminds me a lot of ATL 7 back in the day. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxly, Royal Prophecy / Warlords Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...er/3602-xlying/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Recently promoted to General for blatantly obvious reasons as he's well suited for the job. He's was a valued asset to Dark Legions and is now blossoming in RP as a great leader and organizer of many events from Division officer meetings down to squad teams such as being captain of Team Defender Squad. Continues to impress with his ideas that are usually implemented as he keeps all members in mind when making suggestions to improve something. Supports his fellow KSI members in various ways from handling a wide array of issues to assisting them with their ideas/meetings/practices and organization. Look for this guy to do great things in KSI. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Durty Boy, 1LT Dark Legions / Famine Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-durty-boy/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Great motivator. Helps his squad morale as there have been recent issues of ppl leaving and causing drama. He's shown to be very promising. Active on xbl & forums. Willing to put himself out there for other members and assist them when in need. It's great to have a guy like this in bad times. He's the light when you can't see in the dark. Forum Staff Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Luci Lux 7, Director - LB + CO + DR Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...?/user/22-luci/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Highly active, if not the MOST active forum staff member I've encountered. Well versed with all that is required and carries out his duties flawlessly. Leads by example and enforces forum rules with an iron fist. Member Gemertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bereezy, 2Capt Dark Legions / Kronos (formerly Scythe) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...39-ksi-bereezy/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This guys is very active and is willing to give anything a try all for the good spirit and promotion of activity within KSI. You say you want something to happen, he'll put something together and get the word out. He's a solid member, good recruiter, and is in constant communication with everyone. He's already operating at a level above his rank and doing things not expected of his rank, nor of his peers. He's got great intentions and great ideas. I look for KSI Bereezy to be the fresh breeze in KSI and have an outstanding career here as he moves up. *I would nominate Natasha for Writer, but I can't figure out what the gamertag/div/squad/rank is...*
  6. Yes Of Course I Talk To Myself. Sometimes I Need Expert Advice -_-

  7. * Not witnessing * Here's the link to his forum's account & proper format. He couldn't link and edit due to technical difficulties on his phone. Name: KSI 7eventi / Wendigo / Dark Legions Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...63-ksi-7eventi/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer Award Reason-/-Evidence: Trained > 30 members in KSI
  8. Define hardest working? An award needs to (as best as we can) be something that's evidence based. Something that can be proven to the AAP staff to award accordingly if criteria is met.
  9. Already been suggested. Squad split / Squad creator....
  10. Staff members already have their affiliation displayed on within the forums on their profile as well as easily viewable underneath the profile pic in the forum and I think having an AAP award for the same thing would be redundant and honestly overkill. What if someone joins a staff position and is terminated from the position for whatever the reason, does this award get removed or is it permanent like HH awards? If that's the case, staff positions would get a lot of potential hires but probably for the wrong reasons and may call for the application process for all of these open positions to be revamped just because of an award associated with the title. Clan Ops award for the top 6 who brought home the gold would be great. Promotes activity and would attract more members to join our elite clans. It's also an awesome way to award those who put in the time, skill, and effort it takes to be in top 6 and ultimately bringing home the gold for the clan they're in. Great idea! I'm undecided on the Squad Split award. This is something that can be proven with evidence and witnesses. If it's the General of the original squad who causes the squad split to be qualified for the award, what about the hard working recruiters and trainers. Tell them great work and if they make Gen one day they'll have the same opportunity? I'd hate to think about if the Gen had very little to do with the split and to reject his application for the award it'd be like a public bashing... that'd be bad for business, just as bad as having an incompetent/inactive Gen. Thoughts on how to make it work?
  11. I can vouch for the trainer award. He's actually trained >40 members at this time each member with his GT notated in their bio as required per DL recruiting standards.
  12. Don't ever think that the reason why I'm peaceful is because I don't like to be violent

  13. I really like all three of these. Each are positive and rewarding in nature. - The support the troops shop item is sure to be a big hit! - Squad creation awards go to the General who takes the new squad? Still very much like this. Still one that requires proven effort and easily backed by evidence. - Mountain climber is a great tool for positive reinforcement.
  14. Wrong thread Blue. You've done your part here and I appreciate that bud. I'm working on it. I have a bunch of xbox mails saying ya Doc of course this and I'll post that lol. Thank you all for your patience.
  15. **please delete this post....somehow double posted the same thing......... so sorry *glares @ modem*
  16. Or me An email from a gov cpu would certainly work as well. As it's just the service members checking to see if the other is actually in the military it shouldn't be too much of a hassle or issue. I'd like to think we're responsible enough to send/receive an email as verification and that's all (no further comm needed via govy puter). Might be one of the better selling awards in the market if created! Good idea
  17. Name: KSI blue9 / Demise / Dark Legions Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2248-ksi-blue9/5w56erc5 Award-/-Achievement: Sniper Team Reason-/-Evidence: HH#1 In Demise, DL as well as Capt of Sniper Squad. Was previously awarded for Head Hunter award: http://www.ksiforums...lti-hh-awarded/
  18. Give props to those who put in work. Esp as you said, representing KSI for hours on end seriously holding it down. I like! I like the idea behind these, maybe a different title for it tho? Certainly would love for those Arcade Champs to get recognized for reigning supreme for weeks/months on end. Promotes forum activity and healthy competition. Maybe will draw more attention to the arcade and spark some sort of tournament down the line (waaaaay down the line who knows).
  19. Will gather witnesses now. May take a day or so to get enough for each as it's pretty late already...
  20. Name: KSI DoCNeSS 7 / Co-Founder / Demse, Demons, Warlords, Nomads / Dark Legions Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2253-ksi-docness-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance Award-/-Achievement: Hot Topic Award-/-Achievement: Ice breaker Award-/-Achievement: Trainer Award-/-Achievement: Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: Member Assistance: Actively engage everyone inside and outside of my division to see what's going on in KSI and what I can do to help. I provide advice and assistance to all those above and below my rank keeping the best interest of KSI and it's members in mind. I resolve many issues and counsel members as best as I can to foster member retention and motivation throughout the ranks. This comes easy as it's in my nature to want to help. Hot Topic: "Knowledge..." http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/topic/4525-knowledge/ Has also been copied and reposted in another division (Forced Induction) "Knowledge....its whats for breakfast!!!" http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/topic/5118-knowledgeits-whats-for-breakfast/ Ice Breaker: Of those I've nominated, 8 have been awarded successfully KSI Azrael - Outstanding Service Award http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/topic/4753-ksi-azrael-os-awarded/ Demise Multi-HH (7 awarded) http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/topic/5880-demise-multi-hh-awarded/ Trainer: Trained = 42 Recruits Unfortunately, I no longer keep a list of those I've trained, just +1 in my profile for each I complete. As long as I'm online and can reach recruits on the recruit tag, I train them and ensure they're directed to their appropriate squad knowledgeable and ready to absorb the full KSI experience as well informed members. I also train officers of all ranks how to train properly so that these new members know exactly what they're getting themselves into and what is expected of them as well as what they can expect from us. Mentor: Mentoring > 5 members As I try to do what I can to help, whenever I can, I tend to pick up a mentee or two along the way. I do my best to project positive attitude, create a competitive but friendly and accepting atmosphere, make myself available as much as possible, and influence others to continue to stay motivated, put in work and better theirselves/squad/division/group/KSI.
  21. I'm thankful to all who said NO. Because of them I did it myself.



      Couldn't have said it better myself ksi 4life

  22. KSI Lazar 7 has facilitated several successful squad splits within Dark Legions which ultimately resulted in a division split to create Forced Induction. With his support and guidance, Dark Legions achieved Armada criteria thus adding to the prestige of a division with high visibility. DL tends to boast about the quality of leaders generated among the ranks and Lazar is easily mentioned right along with the greats. He has certainly proven to be among the best in his rank, and well versed in all KSI matters. He is a firm but fair leader and brings out the best within his command. He makes it easy for a leader to lead as he doesn't inhibit, but rather furthers their cause. One of the first marks of Lazar's history was his dynamic feat to start a squad from nothing but 3 members (Scythe - still thriving today) and was able to develop proper staffing and squad split within 4 weeks! He's proven to be flexible with obstacles encountered, and savvy enough to come up with solid solutions that work. He is more than just competent, he's proficient and is already working far above his rank. Lazar 7 is a great model of what KSI members should strive to imitate. Through his leadership and ever enduring efforts, he has groomed leaders within and outside of his command, continuously assists all KSI members in various matters from trivial to serious issues, all the while maintaining professionalism and exhibiting the essence of a true leader. He's approachable, highly active, and seeks out members of all ranks to see how they're doing. I expect Lazar to follow in the footsteps of Senior Director KSI Apocolypse 7.
  23. 2.84Mbps out of 20! RESTUPID!! Cable company hates me I swear

  24. "A Sucking Chest Wound Is Just Nature's Way Of Telling You To Slow Down" - devil doc sayings

  25. All Gave Some. Some Gave All. Don't forget about what this weekend is about!

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