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Everything posted by DoCNeSS

  1. I threw a grenade and killed 50 ppl................. then the grenade exploded.

  2. I threw a grenade and killed 50 ppl................. then the grenade exploded.

  3. I threw a grenade and killed 50 ppl................. then the grenade exploded.

  4. I threw a grenade and killed 50 ppl................. then the grenade exploded.

  5. I threw a grenade and killed 50 ppl................. then the grenade exploded.

  6. I threw a grenade and killed 50 ppl................. then the grenade exploded.

  7. man this is old.... But KiKi you know I'm down and I can get a good group together to run with it.
  8. Congratulations to all those who won and big ups to those nominated. All yall are doing great things in such a way others feel the need to recognize you. Whether you won or not, it's not time to stop or slow down, it's all the more reason to step it up! Keep that motivation strong and continue to influence & mentor others. Great job everyone!
  9. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Azrael 7 (Division Leader - FI) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/386-azrael%E2%84%A2/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This man led us to become a FLAGSHIP division. Despite all that's going on at home for him, Azrael has remained a positive driving force behind the road to flagship. Squashing the security issues quickly & discretely, and guiding others where to focus efforts. Hands down, he's rocked this month for divisions. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Acidvapor 7 (CoFo - FI) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4563-ksi-acidvapor-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Was a great and dependable General just 2.5 months ago and has already stepped up and has found his calling as a newly appointed 7. As CoFounder he's fielded & mitigated expertly many issues that could've potentially left 2 different squads in jeopardy with squad/div transfers with regards to a particularly troubling issue. Has guided and assisted the Generals and officers in obtaining the FLAGSHIP title for FI. Shoot he even trained a couple recruits himself. He's very professional, knowledgeable and can tell you the status of any one in his charge at any given time. That's just what we needed at that position and he's the right man for the job, this month in particular he has really stepped up and showed just how great of an asset he is and it's great to have him on board. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Oracle (General - FI / NITRO) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6610-ksi-oraclex/ Reasoning why they deserve this - After just squad splitting just a few weeks ago, is already looking at another split in the near future. This member of ours is vital to the every day operations of FI. She's a great facilitator, problem solver, and motivator. I say this because she's the backbone of her powerhouse squad that has been crucial to FI's success and growth. With growth comes many personalities and w/ so many means of communication there's bound to be a few issues, which she's handled perfectly. A great motivator when it comes to getting down to business. She has and will continue to be that beam of reasoning why it is important to do anything in KSI. Seriously, she'll make you feel like the greatest help to mankind if you but do these simple few tasks and you'll do them with a smile on your face. Great job with your squad and thank you for all you do with FI. You're a huge asset to us and upper leadership really appreciates what you do. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Brofrutiger (Captain - FI / VELOCITY) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7906-brothafrutiger/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This guy has brought the edge back to FI with his competitiveness. Out of no where, Frutiger has rounded up some serious firepower and stacked them up in Velocity, FI. I'm sure all of you have heard him asking for challenges on KSI Members FB page, in the forums, or via messages on xbox. It's because he's got lions, tigers and bears to feed OH MY! This guy is also crucial to our success because he brought the fire of competition back home and as been nothing but a positive influence on MANY others within the division. His headhunters team is so explosive they're left undefeated 22-0 against squads outside of FI (and inside for that matter, but he doesn't count those wins as they're simply to foster healthy competitive gaming). You have to love this guy. Great recruiter. His bio may not say much about how many, but I've been in many games and parties with him giving away recruits to his fellow Sgt's to give them the experience they need in recruiting so they'd be on his level. He's a leader up & coming that I'm very excited about because he has a lot of potential. Not only that, he's humble, shows humility when wrong. He's the guy at the lower level grooming some great leaders to succeed him which will cast FI into it's golden age as I like to call it. The man with the master plan, recruiter, and competitor...this guy is beast! LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Swarm (LT - FI/OCTANE) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11532-ksi-swarm/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Dude got 40+ recruits this month to spread across 3 different squads this month. I mean really.... if you need a recruit right this second? LET HIM KNOW! Good gah this guy can really reel them in and by the bus load. Very cool guy to rap with and awesome COD gaming skills. Helps a lot of people out with the particulars of getting better and has been putting a lot of effort into FI and an integral piece to our success in reaching FLAGSHIP status. He leads by doing and shows others how he does it. It doesn't get much better than that. This guy is great! Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Muramasa (General - FI / OCTANE) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5200-ksi-muramasa/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Runs FI Elite Clan Ops, officer training program, and is a mentor to many within FI. This guy is a beast in himself. He's that position on a football team with no name. You just put him out on the field and expect a win. He's that guy. Great recruiter as well. Many look up to this guy, and has many friends in FI. Has had to make a couple tough decisions recently that proved that he's an impartial leader willing to promote/demote/recognize deserving individuals for their merits and not because of favortism. He's a leader on the rise surely to be a division leader or better later down his KSI career. This month, he's been the glue keeping folks together during this time of growth and transition into a FLAGSHIP. Of the two new squads (Viper, Chrome) in FI, his squad created one of them and is ALREADY AT THE VERGE OF ANOTHER SPLIT! Like.... RIGHT NOW! And he doesn't stop recruiting there, instead has gotten his squad to assist in the growth of the two new squads in the division as they proceed forward into another squad split. This guy is a force to be reckoned with as he just flat out gets the job done.
  10. You're right. *sniffles* I don't think it's the activity level rather than the amass of changes and moving parts within the community. Rebuilding, growing and daily training and improving. There's a lot going on already and there are only so many hours in the day and even if we did have more hours, it'd be put towards working longer or more classes for school. Perhaps a summer league if activity and schedules permit, just not on the scale outlined here. This, I suppose, we'll keep in the vaults for next year to roll out?
  11. March is just days away. Any movement on this? - Possible Productions involvement? - Possible GFX team involvement (mvp, field gen, 1st annual ___ tournament participant, other accolades etc) - News Team notified? - Judges lined up? - Stat keepers locked on if going to be used? - Teams assembled, roster made? - Brackets made? - Scheduling for all invovled?
  12. Don't necessarily have a small team of 4, but an entire squad (Velocity - Forced Induction) is looking for a challenge as well. Message KSI BroFrutiger if you're down to get a 4v4 or more going if you're interested.
  13. Look me in my face... I AINT GOT NO WORRIES

  14. Congratulations to all the winners and mad props to all those who were nominated. All of you have busted your bums to make it up on here. Whether you won or not, don't stop pushing. Keep that momentum and motivation to continue throughout the months to come! WTG everyone!
  15. Be Original. If that doesn't work, then be BETTER than the original.

  16. Thank you xly for nominating me. The nomination alone speaks volumes and I do appreciate the gesture and what it means for you to do so. AAP staff, if there are any gaps that I could fill in, not as witness, but as factual reference to clarify statements please let me know. I suppose I need to gather witnesses now. Thank you in advance for your patience & understanding as a lot of who would best witness ( > Founder) are no longer in KSI.
  17. Name: KSI DoCNeSS 7 / CoFo / FI Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2253-ksidocness7/ Award-/-Achievement: Commited - 12+ Months with a Gold KSI Gamer Tag Reason-/-Evidence: I changed my GT while I was a recruit and before I was even trained a little over a year ago. I was recruited by KSI DN4STY 2LT Demise while KSI ATL 7 was Gen, KSI Azrael 7 was 1Capt, KSI dRaMaTiC 7 was Division Leader, KSIxApocalypse 7 was director, Skillz and Lazar were in there somewhere I don't remember where. I actually forgot how long I've been in until the I received a PM from Worst congratulating me for 1 year on my forums account. I registered my forums account with my GT at the time which was "KSI DoCNeSS" Recruited 01FEB2012 - by KSI DN4STY Trained 02FEB2012 - by KSI MATTALAC
  18. Ah, my brother from another mother. This guy has always done all his leaders and subordinates proud. He's a great impartial leader as he tackles all that comes his way. For those of us who have had the honor of holding the position of Gen know what that entails. He uses his humor and good social skills to establish good rapport with others and have thus created this gravity like presence to make all want to stick around that extra 30 min just to hang with him. Same applies to each squad/division he's been to. As stated above, people are happy simply to be in the same division with him. That alone speaks volumes. KSI The Doctor has also branched out of his comfort zone from clan ops to assist wherever he can. He's been a valuable AAP staff member since November 2012 if I'm not mistaken. If you look back on his work here, you can clearly see the impartial aspect I was referring to. This does only pertain to AAP but to his natural ability to lead and manage members as well. He's done an excellent job with running his entirely active squad and shows promise to go further in his career here in KSI. Great manager and General. Outstanding individual. Has yet to let anyone down. This guy is doing it. The members we want to clone and mass produce. Big props to you brotha. Keep doing what you're doing regardless of the outcome of the award decision.
  19. I can also witness for member assistance. I've seen Danky help not only people in Last Strike, but some of my own members as well. To be more specific, it was in regards to ensure recruiting procedures were being followed correctly. He's also assisting on the other side (LS side) with setting up a divisional game night between LS and FI which we've already gotten a taste of, and hopefully will have more movement and frequency with this. Good solid leader who will certainly help however he can. Danky is pretty friggin awesome.
  20. I can witness for gamerscore: Member has 21,785 gamerscore as the picture indicates.
  21. Look Me In My Face I Aint Got No Worries

    1. KSIxHitman


      no worries lil wayne good song dude

  22. Live For Others, So Others May Live

  23. As xly's former Gen and CoFo I can vouch for this. He's certainly proven himself to be a great mentor and trainer over the course of his KSI career. Makes himself available for all to provide assistance when needed and doesn't mind getting his hands dirty training recruits to teach his officer staff exactly how to do it.
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