KSIx2FINGERS 7- Founder
Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20810-ksix2fingers-7/
The reason as to why I believe Fingers here deserves this award is because he's the motivation this division needed to get up and go. The cure it honestly needed. He makes time for each squad attending game nights, squad meetings, workshops, etc making bonds with members from each squad. Fingers has gave name changes, and has as well gave out xbox live to members when they were in need. Fingers, as well is all together an outgoing guy who would go out of his way to make this division strive to be better! Not only is he our founder but a close friend. Yes he's amazing as a leader, but you can go to him with anything and everything and he's there. In my eyes to succeed in being an amazing leader you have to have similar characteristic that Fingers here has! This guy will go far in KSI and in life and I'm lucky to have got the chance to meet him! I thank you 2 Fingers for all the hard work you put into IO, and in each squad! I'll stand by you through and through! You earned your star!
KSI Artist- Paradox IO - Lieutenant
Link to forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/25988-ksi-artist/
Alright, this guy is outstanding when you tell him something needs done he's one of the first to go! He's always taking initiative! He stands behind his general 100% he gets things done! He's all together a perfect officer, and everything you would want in an officer! He tries to make people laugh when it's nearly impossible! Keep up the amazing work from all the game nights, workshops, meetings, and the team you have done, and started! I'm proud of you, and the way you have became! Keep working and pushing on!
KSI x Syther- Paradox IO - Member
Forums link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/26003-ksi-x-syther/
Oh boy oh boy, well this boy here yes he's a pain in the butt but you can't help yourself but love him! This member goes out of his way to make anyone smile without hesitation. Trying to get the chance to meet up with everyone in his squad, and division. He's a little hard headed at times, but loves to learn, and still has a lot to learn but I can see him improving so much. He has went from oh my lanta to tolerable! This member has grown up, and learned to take in consideration of others and is doing a good job of it! Keep it up! Continue to want to learn because you sir will go a dad way!
KSI WetWork- Paradox IO - Captain
Forums link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/25596-ksi-wetwork/
Wow, um where do I start? This guy here came from another gaming community/clan and had no intentions of ranking up. I took a chance with needing help, and needing an officer staff this guy here has went above and beyond! He goes out of his way to find recruits and help out new SGTs or SGTs who just can't find recruits the best, and he recruits and helps other squads with recruiting! He as well makes sure game nights, and workshops are being held within our squad if I can't do them, or any other officer! He tries to help out other squads, and members as much as he can! He plays, and tries to contact everyone! In my eyes he's who I wanna see in the future of leaders and with this award! (: you keep up the work, and I know you will! Congratulations on making gen of Paradox! Make us proud!