General/Immortal Outlaws
Gamer tag: KSI WerWork
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Reason why they deserve this award:
This guy was my replacement, and I knew I could trust him with anything and everything! He has took a hit from people poaching that left his squad, and is right back up to where his squad should be! He always sets goals, and makes sure they're getting achieved. He's working on finding officers, and training them to be ready to run a squad! He's been an amazing leader and has many followers!(: he's always very active within his squad making sure something is always going on. If there's issues he gets them squashed as quick as he can! This guy has went above and beyond to do his job and more. He recently put in an app for a judge spot because he wants to be more involved in KSI. He doesn't only just help his squad, but helps other squads surrounding him in his division! I'm very proud of him, and can't wait to see what he's gonna bring to the future of KSI!
CPT/Immortal Outlaws
Gamer tag: KSI Caliber
Forums link:
Reason why they deserve this award:
Caliber here since day one I met him came over when FG merged into IO! He's had to go through complete retraining! He's been helping his general do a complete overhaul on training in the squad, game nights, workshops, and is active on the forums! He recently learned how to utilize the information on the forums and is now helping people in squad get on, and learn to post! He has been very active and loves to play with people from his squad! He's been reaching out to new and older members and making sure everyone feels more than welcomed but comfortable like they're at home!(:
LT/Immortal Outlaws
Gamertag: KSI Jaikeychan
Forums link:
Reason why they deserve this award:
JaikeyPoo as I would call him was once just a voice behind WetWorks mic that we all use to laugh at cause boy was the rage real. Well the second Jaike came into KSI he was determined and ready to learn, and boy did he. He came to us and said hey I have rage problems and us the leaders and myself worked with him. He has went above and beyond and was one guy whom wasn't afraid to ask questions no matter the crazy level. Not only did Jaike and I get to know each other on a personal level, but I learned he had a lot of similar goals he wanted to make and see out of KSI and his squad. He strives to make his squad, and the squads around him the best in KSI! He's always training, running game nights, helping with recruiting, and being an amazing member/friend to anyone and everyone! This guy has no negative thing not a single one! He can make someone smile in a matter of seconds with cracking jokes! He is gonna go far! He gets to know everyone in his squad he pops in all sorts of games to play with members! He reaches out to people whom he sees doesn't show up to many things weather it be because the time zones or what he's always putting fourth effort from the time he gets on to the time he's about to get off! This ones to you Jaikey!
SSGT/Immortal Outlaws
Gamer tag: KSI xSinisteRx
Forums link:
Reason why they deserve this award:
Sinister has been working with his general side by side to grow his squad and get activity back up, and reaching out to members. With the recent step down of his general he's been working with his 4CPT with getting stuff up to par and he's going above and beyond to make sure that his squad is gonna be going far! He's bringing in recruits helping with training and has his head in nothing but being positive!(: I can't wait to see the future of KSI with this guy in it!(:
Member OTM/Immortal Outlaws
Gamertag: KSI Gunner254
Forums link:
Reason why they deserve this award:
Gunner goes above and beyond with training and spending time with his squad to hanging out and trying to help with not only our division but with others! He's always trying to host inter-division game nights! He's always making any new member feel welcomed and is willing to go out of his way to do anything and everything for members! His heart and soul and dedication is in KSI! He's took his time to do research on the forums and collecting as much information from the leaders in KSI and takes notes of everything! He's an amazing member and leader (:
SGT/Immortal Outlaws
Gamertag: KSI x Syther
Forums link:
Well, Syther here we all know in IO can be a little pest at times, but with his peskyness there's a lot of heart, and soul <3 this kid has came such a far far way with his learning. He recruits for his squad, and all of his recruits are approved no problem! He makes sure there are game nights being help, and by having those game nights making sure everyone is having fun! He also host workshops from sgt to forums he makes sure everyone understands what's going on, and always makes sure questions are answered! He always makes sure squad meetings are being held, and making sure everyone is being invited! This kid is gonna go far, and take his squad to the top since he's been there he's brought at least 20 new people, and everyone of them active and love KSI! Not only does he help his squad but has helped many other squads in this division! Which leads me to say Syther keep up the amazing work! I believe in you! IO believes in you!<3