Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HAVOC 7 (SENIOR DIRECTOR)
Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Havoc is such an amazing leader and friend. After being our Director and creating a standard for us to follow and getting us back on the right track, he got a much deserved promotion. We were sad to lose him as our Director, but as Senior Director he has still been there. I have gone to him with several questions and gotten solid answers as well as action being taken to help make things clear and help out with some training. He's always been around no matter what and shows how much he cares about the divisions every day. Havoc helped set the record straight with training, helped us figure out the best way to send messages out on the Xbox One from squad tags, how to best recruit on Halo 5 and helped us with moving squads over to the Xbox One and Halo 5. He helped us get everything organized and set up and moving smoothly so we could continue to build our squads. He shows every day how much KSI means to him and it's amazing to have a leader like him.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Mpliers 7 (Director)
Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - As soon as Pliers became our Director, he made a point of getting with all of the leaders and going over each squad to get a feel for it. He helped us make plans and gave us projects to set up and work on. He put in place a project for one of our squads to give a few members each to the officers and let the officers spend a few weeks with them getting to know them and mentoring them to promote growth and educating them. So far they have been successful and we are continuing on with making the squads successful and grow. With his guidance I believe we have a bright future ahead of us. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ZOMBYGaL 7 (Division Leader -GZ)
Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Since becoming Division Leader, she has collaborated with the other two 7s in creating new standards for the division so we all are on the same page. She has made sure we have weekly meetings, that there is communication and activity always going on.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DUFFS 7 (Founder - GZ)
Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Since Duffs became a 7 he's been the epitome of what a 7 should be. He has been so proactive in being around and being the driving force behind the squads starting to recruit again, making sure people are being trained and communication is going on between officers and their members. He is always promoting growth, activity and positivity from everyone. He is also helping all of the squads with recruiting and being the perfect example to everyone. Duffs is always there for everyone and makes sure we have the help and leadership we all need. He has always been the first to help us when we need it and he gives suggestions. He also meets with upper leadership to discuss the division and set up plans to keep the division moving forward.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI TOMTWIN (General - GZ/Titan)
Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - Since Tom has become Gen, he has really hit the ground running. He implemented new standards and set the officers up to get their daily duties done and recruiting has picked up a lot. The growth of the squad has been amazing and activity and meeting attendance has also gone up. He is serious about getting the squad back to a good place and he is taking the necessary actions to get it there.