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KSI Beowulfe20

Mid Core
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Everything posted by KSI Beowulfe20

  1. Oh haha okay, thank you xD
  2. Hello, so i've purchased a few awards from the store but i'm unsure as to when these awards will be activated so that they show up under my posts instead of showing up next to it as my inventory. Will they ever become active or are they just going to stay in my inventory forever?
  3. GT: KSI ElderWolf, Judgement, Devign Reign, 2nd Cpt Award-/-Achievement: Helping hand, Member assistance Evidence: As far as Member assistance goes Elder is always taking on tasks such as directing Sgt workshops 3-4 times a week which not only alleviates the duties of our other Cpts who are otherwise busy during the week with work and school which also helps the squad all together because our Sgts and Ssgts get a very detailed understanding of KSI's CoC as well a what it means to be an officer in each respective rank. This kind if dedication and drive to move the squad forward in any way possible makes Javi more than deserving of a member assistance recognition. When it comes to being a helping hand i can assure you that Javi goes out of his way to help people out any way he can. As far my witness goes, Javi was the person who despite having perhaps only an hour or two a week with me, prepared me for my Cpt test not too long ago. Even while i have been working 40 hours a week at a Dialysis patient center along with attending college 5 hours a week and spending my weekends going through new employee training he would kik me during my lunch breaks and any other time in between helping me truly understand what a Cpt is and how we function in in the squad setting as well as giving me a seriously in depth understanding of the CoC more so than i already knew. He would quiz me over every topic we went over and when it seemed i couldn't get a Co founder online to give me my Cpt test due to my work and school schedule he went out of his way to try and get a hold of KSI Netter 7 KSI Secondwind 7 and even KSI Osiris 7 so i could finally be promoted until one night we were able to get a holds of Netter before she went to bed. I apologize for making this extremely long but Javi deserves these awards to this i am a witness and proud to see he may finally be recognized for all his hard work here in judgment.
  4. hold up a second... Chris i thought you left KSI a while back? or did you get re-recriuted? because i never heard you came back...
  5. I witness to Hirotoro being my mentor. Hunter along with Cory was one of the few people who actually made me comfortable in KSI. Seeung how I recruited I eventually lost my touch because I thought no one noticed me work but Hunter did and he told me that I'd make a outstanding Lieutenant to help show the other Sergeants how to recruit and it's not so hard but the first person to show me that was Hunter and I am grateful to have him mentor me and I hope I can continue to learn from him. C:
  6. CPT KSI MsDestroyer - Devine Reign/Judgement KSIForums.org/user/22664-ksi-msdestroyer/ Reasons - MsDestroyer has been an outstanding officer in our sqad and has kept up with all of her duties as well as constantly reminding new recruits of all the sqad rules durring our weekly meetings. MsDestroyer has simply gone above and above and beyond to help Judgement be the best that it can be. LT KSI ReaperWolfe - Devine Reign/Judgement KSIFourums.org/user/22722-ksi-reaperwolfe/ Reasons - ReaperWolfe is always doing his best to help out any and all members of our KSI family. Even when someone needs help with something outside of his comfort zone or outside his typical duties he does his best to resolve any issues our members may have.
  7. Sometimes our problems are big and we're crushed by tidal waves of despair, other times we simply brush them off as if nothing is wrong. What we cannot forget ever in our life is no matter how big or small our troubles are there are always people to support us. Enjoy life to the fullest and cherish those who cherish you. :)

  8. ill give you Zeppelin, Roker; however as my life has draged me through almost all music genres i would have to say theres a 3 way tie for my current favorite music to play. 1) Slim pre recovery 2) Daft Punk 3) Imagine Dragons
  9. Skyrim has the most epic scores ive heard in a video game, but GTA V & SR: 3 have good music variety
  10. So AT&T finally fixed up my internet connection xD i missed being able to play online without having to stay up all night

  11. I have witnessed KSI Rubberducky be an extremely dedicated KSI member who is always doing his best to help other members with any problems they may have reaching out to various branches of the community until the problem is resolved. He has also kept to his duty as a captain constantly looking for recruits and encouraging members to show KSI pride. In all the time have known KSI Rubberducky he has been an exemplary member and inspired me to soon go through the process of changing my gt so i may some day be an officer of this KSI community as well
  12. I'm dying without internet x/ i have to come to come to my girls house to get online and it Hucking sucks

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