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KSI xGUNNERx last won the day on August 25 2014

KSI xGUNNERx had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 09/09/1998

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  • Gender
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    United States Of America
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  • Rank/Title
    2nd Captain

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  • Kik
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KSI xGUNNERx's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Name/Gamertag: KSI xGUNNERx Rank (If applicable): I am a General Time spent on the forums (Daily): I am on my computer/forums/skype from 4:00pm-10:00pm EST everyday and even more so on the weekends. Experience and Time in KSI: coming up on 9 months, I have had a lot of experience on the forums and with streams and other divisions. Skype (Required to be on Staff): ksixgunnerx Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP and what can you provide for the department? (Please provide details): I feel that i would be a good AAP staff member because i have a great knowledge of KSI and i can contribute a fair decision. As a Gen i have to make impartial decisions almost everyday and I feel that i have done a good job with the different activities that i do in KSI and would like to be able to do something else to involve me into KSI.
  2. KSIxSHOOTER9091 ( GENERAL OF HYPERION, FG) LINK: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/21661-ksixshooter9091/ SHOOTER deserves the GEN of the month award because he has proved that he is a great general and and has been very committed into keeping HYPERION the shining star of FG. He is very active on the forums and with his squad along with other squads. He has also went through a successful squad split that went smoothly. He is a mentor to me and everyone in is squad.
  3. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI xHUMANx FG, ATLAS Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22302-humanhater/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) HeadHunters Award Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) He was on the headhunters team while i was the co-captain. He was on the HYPERION HH team until we split.
  4. I can happily say that KSIxSHOOTER9091 has mentored me from a SGT to a 2CP without him i can say that i would not be as involved in KSI and i would not be as happy as i am with what i have done in KSI. For the member assistance: He has helped me with everything from information to problems i have been having with certain things. he will help anyone out whenever they need it PERIOD and he deserves the award.
  5. Name: KSIxSHOOTER9091, Hyperion, Forgotten Gods Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/21661-ksixshooter9091/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)- Reason-/-Evidence: He has been on almost 24/7 helping to bring up Hyperion and has made his way to becoming the general. He has done a extraordinary amount of work in such a short time and has shown a great amount of leadership.
  6. "Speak softly and carry a big stick" -TR

  7. He has helped me learning what KSI is all about and some of the basics when i first joined. He has mentored me.
  8. Name: KSI GUNNER 254, HYPERION, FG Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/21520-ksi-gunner254/ Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Horder Reason-/-Evidence: His Gamerscore exceeds 20,000
  9. Name: KSI xGUNNERx, FG, HYPERION Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22066-ksi-xgunnerx/ Award-/-Achievement: HeadHunters Reason-/-Evidence: I am on the HeadHunters team in which KSI GUNNER254 is the leader of. (Seat 1A)
  10. Welcome to the forums KSI xGUNNERx :)

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