For those of you waiting to complain you dont yet have your awards.
Dont post it.....its spam and highly annoying.
Anything left over will be Done as and when. 70% of the AAP back log has now been cleared
MEmber assitance
Bright Idea
to be re-earnt in time:
Hot Topic
Wingman (once assigned and made at a later date)
besides that.....I think we all are smart enough to know which ones are favertism and which ones are actualy people getting credit of those underneath them..
As *****y as some of the comments in here are gonna get.
its for one purpose.
To decide WHO will get them and WHY.
Im friends with this many people so im going to win
Im this persons faverate and when they vote for people they win
That being said.
My asshole nature to get things done is prompting me to say this one.
Idc if i get an award. I used to be a better leader now I care little for the whinning back stabbing nature of things
so if you opt for me on anything yay. if you dont. then its no biggy.
Id rather know I got something for Working my ass of to get it than simply getting an award becuase im somebodies faverate.
So honestly guys Even when its a friend.....dont vote and decide as if they are your friends. Base your verdicts and thaughts on what they have actualy done...please
loli meant more the fact Madara knows what hes meant to be doing. but Airborn was always telling him otherwise.
I mean Airborn Intentionaly got himself demoted....and most of his recruits as i said are outright badkids....
Apoclypes 7 (DL div leader)
Hes been a cause of some prity dumb drama.
HE attempted to have the GFX team BL for racist over a comment about Pork, then he himself saying its cos he was black.
He has been supported in making DL from the start by chaos, so thats why that ones a bogus claim.
Hes cool.
Hes just had alot of issues with upper leadership making issues and not giving help and such
lol poor guy has to take orders that he knows are bs from airborn jk jk
OKay so already a few names on here are screeming laughable for the BS reasoning
as his former co-div and founder I know personaly that he spends more time on Forge world than actualy dealing with squads.
The other co-founders have been covering for his ass and getting his Squads up to date for him.
The reason he always goes to the Div meetings is because hes been told to go to them and its prity much the only thing he has done that hes been told to.
His ass would have been fired from the cofo spot months back if chaos hadnt repeatedly stopped either me or Metal head from doing so.
recruits generaly the WORST kind of people and doesnt give a crap about age restrictions.
he was if people remember Bringing all the underage rejected people from forum apps to boost his numbers
(RI was literaly the Sqeeker Division)
Kiki hasnt been in for 6 clearly chaos opted to ignore that.
no Self noming was removed as a rule in part to how much airborn and chaos and a few other choice people bished about it
so they can self just makes them look like a Richard
(madara = KSI Tyrant) hes been in and out abit based on the amount of times a higher up pissed on him