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Awoken Lucifer

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Everything posted by Awoken Lucifer

  1. ...i swear people exist to annoy me for things

  2. me and airborn had 20 or so each...lol and im fully aware of how long it took me to do them
  3. ......Chaos...be nice or We will have a OLD man award made...and give it to u.. And this time round, I plan to not do all the awards myself lol....that being said....i didnt mind. and not being in clan ops currently means...I can Totaly Do this....without Squads nagging me XD..hehahahhehahaha ....and for reference......AAP STAFF RULES!!!
  4. AAP Has Begun to Test Division awards. SH division has Graciously become the Test group for this. Please remember, that this Beta Program is primarily Run By KSI Jiggy 7 and since it is under the AAP. I would like to remind you all to respect the AAP system since it applies to the division awards Beta
  5. I like the Idea. Idk the details as to if we need to reapply for awards is based on if we can find who had what awards on the old site, and Sadly, No. Splitting Post counts between both sites wont count. The Post count ones id say wait on them and reapply for them when you get to the numbers again. and at the rate we all post, sadly i dont think that will take long....in the space of 2 weeks i was about 4 hundred...and i stopped posting if i got to 100 a day...lol
  6. :D the ele-monster bear?

    1. Fayull


      I are not a monster!

    2. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      :D i meant with love.....you is a monster of a bear cos in bear form you soooo epic! :3.

  7. It was put to 3000 to make it take longer to reach. We have members in thebspace of 2 weeks who havehspammed to 400 plus posts. If anything we have consideration to increase it to a higher number.
  8. Lol. I haven't written the apparently up yet lol. Sorry about the delay. Joys of flying home and being in a house wit zero internet lol. Having to score thru my phone.
  9. The of the month awards cover that one already
  10. Any News from the AAP will be posted up here, the news will be either, Of the Month awards and their Winners, Upcoming new awards. Or simply notifications of space on the AAP staff. So stay tuned guys
  11. If you have any ideas for awards or achievements Please feel to post them here. Before suggesting an award, please browse our current list of awards, so you do not suggest something that is already in our program. http://www.ksiforums.org/awards/
  12. The AAP is a Program within KSI that issues and awards Members Based upon if they have both earnt the awards nominated and that the evidence Provided to the Staff of the AAP backs them up on their Nomination. ============ List of contents: Staff Rules Banned from AAP Frequently Asked Questions Nomination Form Rolls of the AAP Awards =========== Who runs AAP? Rules of the Achievments And Awards Program *AAP*. ____________________________________________________________________________ Frequently Occurring Situations and Questions: Staff Position Description AWARDS LIST AND DESCRIPTIONS Service and Recognition Forum awards OF THE YEARS OF THE MONTH'S Division and Clan ops specific Donation Based Awards Education and Training Shop Awards GAMES + RANDOM SUPPORT The only ones who can post nominations for Education Class graduates are the teachers-/-Mentors that hosted the class or the Head of Education. Squad-/-Division-/-Game-/-Spam-/-General chat-/-Officor topics DO NOT count towards Hot Topic, Gossip Donation based awards can only be confirmed by the person holding the sites pay pal information.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHbNU9WuVgw&ob=av2e Sums up KSI really well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxCq4HH10kk ...um....points....dont judge me...i listen to all sorts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCZinX209rA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1e7BSdw7vI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuYeHPFR3f0 ....my theme song in KSI
  14. Humping is an Art form......

  15. Humping is an Art form......

  16. Rawer gimmie all your hats and you can has a hug....if you dun..you get a hug anyway lol

  17. ...i wish worst was awake to sit by the computer and make amusing things

  18. ...i wish worst was awake to sit by the computer and make amusing things

  19. im listening to well...lol Im listening to the Radio and not sure what it is...its like country rock thing...idk losts of accoustic
  20. can somebody please give me mod or something so i can set up Poop and actualy post

  21. can somebody please give me mod or something so i can set up Poop and actualy post

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