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Awoken Lucifer

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Everything posted by Awoken Lucifer

  1. yep i remember him complaining i didnt give him his commited yet.
  2. Donor- No proof means not able to award. Division Creator- No, pending a check Bright Idea- checking with Rags, worst, Fuzzy, at Current....no pending check Hot Topic- Accepted Committed- aceptable, Have you Held a KSI tag for a minium of a Year? Mad Max- you can PM me the details if you dont with for them to be public, Record wont be public of events.
  3. Wasted Life - ...Id be inclined to give this for Entirly making a set of Self nominations when Self nominations is not supposed to be done Committed - Commited means having a KSI Tag for 1 year, Just being on the forums has No bearing on this Affiliate - Proof Bright Idea - Proof, and What idea? Member Assistance - Proof Jack of all Trades - Proof Master Recruiter - Proof Officer - Proof. Pink List - NO. Declined by luci, co-declined by worst. Drama Queen - Yes, Arguing about who started pink list and that he deserves it and that he should have it becuase worst doesnt like him (all on SB....) Mad Max - No
  4. No....simply put. Reason is on the awards list.
  5. Squad awards for attendance doesnt count, Bingo i like all the suggestions you put forward, They will be listed and Discussions made on them inside the staff area
  6. FTLA Graduate: I cant remember, need an FTLA advisor to counter point this one for confirmation Gamer score hoarder: I remember and i awarded it last time, So yes. Headhunters: I remember so yes. Forge Team: I remember, so yes. AFFILIATE: FNF was run by KSI.....not sure if we still classing it as an affiliate, i intend to bring it up with the board members to see how this plays.
  7. lol...okay.. here is my GT KSI Luci Lux 7 Add me and another AAP member and message us to let us know its u and we can do it that way since xbox.com seems to want to be playing idiot mode on us all XD
  8. (since this is a nomination to myself....I revoke myself from proceedings, Jiggy and the rest of the AAP are over this one)
  9. 3 aap counted. staff....please?
  10. gives up even remotly trying

  11. ....and epic fail from luci....sorry....Total Fail...lol Im only human...and blind Okay....lol Proph...you wanna Counter sign vote post for cool ness on this?
  12. Donor- Proof needed. Top Donor of the Month- .No way of Verifying. Hot Topic- Aceptable Committed- aceptable Division Creator- Never heard of that Div. Bright Idea- Idea needs to be put, and original creators of the FNF are Rags and Joker. Mad Max- Not seing how thats any different from any other leader?
  13. PLease clarfiy If these are nominations for OThers or Self, Some awards are nto ones you can claim for self, Some need another to nominate you to get them
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