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Awoken Lucifer

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Everything posted by Awoken Lucifer

  1. lord chubbington :P

    1. Bacchus


      All Hail the Lord of Chubs! Bow down to me!


    2. Awoken Lucifer
    3. Bacchus


      Dayum straight, boiiii.  Lol

  2. With regards to Forums accounts and their usage: (includes Access Denied)

    Your account is yours and yours alone.

    You do Not need more than one account.

    You do Not pass your login details to other people.

    You do Not allow other people onto your account.

    IF you are banned from these forums, then it is due to the conduct of your account or personal interactions with these forums.

    IF you are banned from the forums, that also means you will most likely permanently be disqualified from attaining the rank of general since a general must be able to use both Access Denied and the forums

    You are held personally responsible for Any-/-All content it publishes on these forums.

    You are held personally responsible for any violations of the terms of service and the Code of Conduct.

    It is YOUR responsibility to ensure your forums account is kept secure.

    You are NOT allowed to sign into other peoples accounts on the forums to "help" them.

    You are NOT allowed to create forums accounts for other people to use.

    Any issues with forums or Access Denied accounts MUST BE DIRECTED TOWARDS THE ADMIN TEAM FOR THE FORUMS


    Validating an account

    Sounds simple but is a surprisingly tricky thing for some people, the trick is stay calm and go slowly and to run through the following steps.

    Step 1: When you make your forum account make a note of what E-mail you used to register on the forums and that the email is correct and no errors in it which could lock your account as permanently validating.

    Step 2: After you create your account you will need to validate it. There is a button in the top right of the forums for account validation.

    *Activate by clicking a validation link that will be sent in an email to the email address used to create the account*

    Step 3: IF you cannot see the validation email in your inbox check that

    A: You are on the right email address.

    B: Check the spam folder on the email address and other emails just to be safe

    C: If the Email from the forums to validate is not in any of them, use the resend validation email button located on the top right.

    D: Do not make another account to see if it will work.

    Step 4: Try to have someone you know who has a working forums account to get an Admin made aware of the issue at hand so that an admin can look into the issue and hopefully resolve it, and get you back on track for being able to use your forums account.


    Added Note: Some members have issues actually validating their account with the E-mail that is sent. If you can't validate your account using your device that you registered on, meaning you can't click the link, or copy/paste the link to validate your account, then go to a different device to do so. If that does not work, then refer to step 4 that is above.


    -Logging in issue

    This is a list of issues we find that occur fairly often and are fairly simple to correct or avoid entirely.

    - Losing your login details

    Answer: Write them down somewhere safe and list any changes you make to these.

    Answer: An admin can change your password or login information in the case of your account being locked out, but they will only do so if you answer security questions to confirm its your account.

    - Members who used to use Facebook login system to log into the forums being unable to do so now

    Answer: You can still log in, you just have to manually enter the same login information as you would to sign into Facebook*

    - Forums telling you your username or password is incorrect.

    Answer:Check your spelling on both the username and password to ensure no issue is being made from a badly placed typo.

  3. ^ shes mean

    1. KSI Widow 7

      KSI Widow 7

      :O woooooowww.  I don’t mean too... my phone just has mediocre storage XD

    2. Awoken Lucifer
  4. if youre happy and you know it clap your hands

  5. trolol you looked :)....

  6. dogs go bark

    cats go meow...

    the window licker goes: slurp.

  7. made you look lololol :P i win

  8. itsaaalive


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      <_<....answer yo dusckesorrrd

    3. KSI Widow 7

      KSI Widow 7

      Ooofta.... deleted that a while ago hahahah

    4. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      butt how you we meant to do meme wars

  9. so today at work.....

    "oh you're gonna have fun today. i need you to go check if the Icecream on the offer is full or not"

    > goes over to check the stock.....Entire 4 section cabinet....4 shelfs each...EMPTY.

    So.... I spent from 2:30pm-10:55pm TRYING to keep the 4 cabinets Stocked.

    Roughly 3 Pallets of icecream later I come to the realisation...whoever Decided to put tubs of icecream on a 0.99cent coupon deal where you can use one coupon to buy up to 5 tubs in ONE transaction....deserves to be Punched in the Junk.

    (Each of the pallets are about a meter by meter square give or take, stacked roughly 6-8 foot high)

    (Each pack of the icecream contains 6 tubs, 10 packs per layer of the stack)

    While i Was working I also Was doing Math in the back of my head without Fully thinking about it

    60 Tubs Per layer, 10 layers average height....means i Worked thru about 600 Tubs of Icecream.....wtf....


  10. happy early birthday....getting close to that quarter of a century

  11. So...after much thaught I have realized....the true identity of Batman...is Ross geller from friends....cause he’s always shouting Rachel

  12. made you look beautyfull man

  13. ;) made you look broskiiiii :P you now owe a Red Bull 

  14. you have looked....that means you looked and now must make somebody look in turn


    ^ putting together a guide

  16. :D I got the outbreak prime!

  17. :D I got the outbreak prime!

    1. xKami


      Nice man. Congratulations.

  18. you remind me of the skeksis from Dark Crystal

  19. How old do you need to be for date night to be called carbon dating?

    1. Hatter 77
    2. December


      gotta wear pleated pants

  20. we need a Division named Dairy 

    and for that to have a Squad named Legend.

    "Legend Dairy"


  21. made you look :) mwhahaha

    1. Hatter 77

      Hatter 77

      Why hello there!!! :18_kissing_heart:

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