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Awoken Lucifer

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Everything posted by Awoken Lucifer


  2. not aiming to be a Richard. However. Paratroops....as his brother you should actualy step out of this. not only as an aap member, but also as his director. there are WAY to many personal conflict of intrest points here.
  3. I can feel myself standing between rage and collapse. Oh the joys of being at conflict with yourself.

  4. merry xmas to most people...the rest.....sit down and stfu

  5. ...incase the world ends....you're a princess :) ruawr

  6. Questioning if somebody cared leads to nothing but self doupt. Seeing just how easily you can completly cut somebody out...is scary. Leaving a jagged wound in your own heart isnt wise but its better to cast off what little good memories you have, than hold onto them and letting doupt and mistrust fester in them.........its why a heart is pointless caring hurts far to much to be a normal thing to do

    1. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      because love really is the Ultimate tool of self harm......why else would we allow somebody complete access to our weakest moments or our strongest....or to know how to defeat us so utterly that we have no choice but to cast off all the kindness and warmth we had just to carry on.

      So Which am I?

      A demon who became a man from loving?


      A man who cuts out his heart and became a demon just to exist?

    2. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      upon reflection.....both. answers reflect me

  7. ....So Im returning to being Heartless and Cold....becuase atleast then I dont need to care about anybody

    1. Sunn O)))

      Sunn O)))

      Do what makes you happy.

  8. Send me a sign, Turn back the clock, Give me some time, I need to break out and make a new name. Lets open our eyes to a brand new day, its a brand new day

  9. yep...that 3 hour nap screwed me over

  10. (editing them in as i think of them) Senior Director (Filled in) ======= Director (Left Blank due to Bias) ======= Division Leader (Filled in) ======= Co-Division Leader (Filled in) ======= Founder (Filled in) ======= General (Filled in) ======= Member (Filled In)
  11. ...im so not going to be safe to piss of for a while....

  12. Key thing to know about me. If you piss me off I dont tip toe about i damm well tell you so. Dont like it...then gtf off my friends list to make room for somebody who isnt going to get on my nerves intensly

  13. royal might be a good person to ask. Hes like the oldest remaining DH member i know of thats even in KSI still
  14. event, is finished. Closed. Congratulations to KSI Gringo from Courage GZ for taking first place in the Halo: Reach FFA and winning a copy of Halo 4. Thank you to everyone else who participated and watched the live stream....Keep your eyes peeled for details on how to win Black Ops 2.
  15. Silver OutStanding Services (You cant self nominate for this...) Bright Idea Trainer (You cant self nominate for this...) Call of Duty (shop item...you buy it) Luci Side (shop item...you buy it) Don't Touch the fro (shop item...you buy it)
  16. So....since this apparently is ignored...... Rules Do Not argue with members of the AAP or in peoples Nominations. Rank does not play a factor in if you get the award, the evidence and witness statements do. *(unless its of the month awards) SPAM IS NOT TOLERATED. No Self Nominations for Specific awards *see editation below* The vote of the AAP is final unless the Head and-/-or Co-head of the AAP feels the decision should be changed or New Evidence that was not presented before the denial of an award. Awards will be given out at the Discretion of the co head and Head in a timely manner Based on the Information Presented to the staff of the AAP (unless complications arise that prevent such action.) Any and All blacklisted or banned members will have all awards removed Subject to a Vote from the AAP. AAP does not answer to your clan Ops Rank-/-Board rank unless hereby listed as the Primary Board member over the project.** (-Laymens terms, throw your rank around here to Force a result and it gets you nothing, Evidence and Testimonial statements Alone justifies if you get your award-) If a nomination is stagnant for 7 days or more, meaning that there are no viable witnesses posting on the topic, then the nomination will be subject to closing within a 24 - 48 hour period at the discretion of the AAP Department Head/Co-Head. *Reactivated No Self nomination rules: 15th October 2012 Self nomination the following Awards is no longer tolerated, Any and all self nomimations on these awards will be closed and denied everytime. - Of the Month awards (all) - Outstanding Service: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=26 - Outstanding Service Silver: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=27 - Outstanding Service Gold: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=28 - Most Outstanding: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=29 - Member Assistance: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=31 - Trainer: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=35 - KSI Mentor: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=32 - Education 101: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=37 - Education 201: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=38 - Mad Max: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?app=awards&module=view&section=view&do=spec&id=56 - Die Hard: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?app=awards&module=view&section=view&do=spec&id=62 - Drama Queen: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?app=awards&module=view&section=view&do=spec&id=55 - Anything prior to 15th October 2012 that is a self nomination for these awards will be left open and evaluated, and either awarded or denied based on evidence. - Anything made after the 15th October 2012 that is a Self nomination for any of these awards will result in it being closed and denied. When utilizing the AAP, make sure that your profile privacy settings let me view your profile if you are not my friend on the website. If I can't get to your profile, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE YOUR AWARD. =============================== Disclaimer: IGNORING ANY OF THESE RULES CAN RESULT IN THE IMMEDIATE CLOSING OF YOUR NOMINATION THREAD AND THE AWARDS IN IT BEING DECLINED. ===============================
  17. just going to point this out. But its clearly in the rules..No self nominations on these listed awards. Closed. unless riiot wants to continue on it Do Not argue with members of the AAP or in peoples Nominations. Rank does not play a factor in if you get the award, the evidence and witness statements do. *(unless its of the month awards) SPAM IS NOT TOLERATED. No Self Nominations for Specific awards *see editation below* The vote of the AAP is final unless the Head and-/-or Co-head of the AAP feels the decision should be changed or New Evidence that was not presented before the denial of an award. Awards will be given out at the Discretion of the co head and Head in a timely manner Based on the Information Presented to the staff of the AAP (unless complications arise that prevent such action.) Any and All blacklisted or banned members will have all awards removed Subject to a Vote from the AAP. AAP does not answer to your clan Ops Rank-/-Board rank unless hereby listed as the Primary Board member over the project.** (-Laymens terms, throw your rank around here to Force a result and it gets you nothing, Evidence and Testimonial statements Alone justifies if you get your award-) *Reactivated No Self nomination rules: 15th October 2012 Self nomination the following Awards is no longer tolerated, Any and all self nomimations on these awards will be closed and denied everytime. - Of the Month awards (all) - Outstanding Service: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=26 - Outstanding Service Silver: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=27 - Outstanding Service Gold: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=28 - Most Outstanding: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=29 ->>> Member Assistance: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=31 - Trainer: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=35 - KSI Mentor: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=32 - Leadership Mentor: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=36 - Education 101: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=37 - Education 201: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=38 - Anything prior to 15th October 2012 that is a self nomination for these awards will be left open and evaluated, and either awarded or denied based on evidence. - Anything made after the 15th October 2012 that is a Self nomination for any of these awards will result in it being closed and denied.
  18. xD MAKES self the head of news team.....luci was best writer EVaarrrrrrr :3 kidding..lol congrats to all. n__n
  19. T_T i didnt win writer of the month even tho i put together all those epic topics in the clan ops information center T_T so cruel....why didnt i win? :3 cos i wasnt nominated lol....woops
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