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KSI CallMeClick

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About KSI CallMeClick

  • Birthday 06/29/1996

Profile Information

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  • Gamertag
    KSI UBeeMurderd
  • Squad
    Typhon and ES
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Newbie (1/4)



  1. calea zacatechici is the Poop.

  2. i still cant get over how our max people online in a day is 666. maybe its a sign. lets all go satanist, because thats what it means. lol hail satan jk

  3. ive been inactive because my mom has cancer.-. i think we are done with all the travelling and everything. looking forward to the next meeting!

  4. ehh, why does school have to be so boring?

  5. im finally a sgt, yo. pretty fuggin stoked.

  6. err. i get so bored at school. ohmehjeebus.

  7. i get to go home in 50 minutes!

  8. woah. ive been like the only active person on today. wasnt expecting this site to move so slowly.

    1. IAmChieffy


      You may not realize it, but a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff happens every day. You might not just see it.

    2. Mr Bear

      Mr Bear

      Chiefs a Richard, don't listen to him. You were the only one o.o

  9. How would i post a site error, if im getting the site error, on the site errors tab? this paradox is killing me.

  10. the cerberus clan tag is full, so i cant get the referrals to get the free gamertag change and get promoted.. sadface.

  11. Welcome to the forums KSI CallMeClick :)

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