KSIx2FINGERS 7(IOFO - IO/please…all of IO) -
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Reasoning why they deserve this –Jeez…hold on I am trying to think of where to start…got it! Without this guy I have no idea what to do some times. Even tho from time to time I do get a kick out of schooling him on some KSI stuff, it will never change the fact that I have a lot of respect for this guy here. Not just me but all of IO has learned and can learn more for KSIx2FINGERS 7. This guy let literally holds up IO. Let me put his in prospective for you. IO has no DIV Leader or CODIV Leader so, who do you think does all of the duties of the CODIV and DIV Leader? That’s right KSIx2FINGERS does and more! To list off everything this guy does will fill this entire page. So let us talk what kind of guy KSIx2FINGERS is instead. KSIx2FINGERs 7’s on point, this is how you it, half a second response time, take no crap from nobody, witty, no excuses attitude is exactly what IO needs and has been receiving. He is all ways front and center ready to take on and handle any problem that comes his why. Always promoting a good, fun, happy, eventful atmosphere to everybody. His vision for IO is something not to take lightly. It is an honor to work with KSIx2FINGERS 7.
KSI OhMyLanta (COFO - IO/Paradox, Atlas, rawhide, Vendetta) -
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Reasoning why they deserve this –This girl is a firecracker! Her is always on top of everything 24/7 7 days a week. She is amazing on keeping everybody updated on events, and always makes a point to say hello to everybody…seriously tho, have look on the forums seen how many chats she is in! And don’t be fooled! This sweet heart know how the flip her taking care of business switch on and get the job done! From recruiting, to squad tag and recruit tag work, outstanding form activity, meeting after meeting she still manages to do everything while fixing any problem that comes her way. How she keeps such a shining, fun, upbeat, happy personality is beyond me. But I can say this, her constant hard work and beautiful, loving, helpful, caring character can be seen throughout all KSI. Thank you for being kind, loving person you are! I am honored to have such a great CO-Founder!
KSI Caliber (3rd CPT - IO/Atlas) -
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Reasoning why they deserve this – What can I say, this guy is a rising star! KSI Caliber has it all, from recruiting, to running weekly squad activities, solving problems, and outstanding forums activity, shows up to ever and any training seminar he finds out about, exe. He is the most active captain I have ever had the privilege to train. His ability to learn and retain large amounts of information amazing. He has such a strong drive to become everything he needs to be and more for not only his squad but, the rest of his KSI friends as well. He is now at a point where he really does not need training from me, and he is the only member I have ever trained that has successfully learned and continues to execute