Category: Senior Director
Gamertag: KSI TexAngel 7
Forums Account Link / @KSI TexAngel 77
Reasons they deserve this award: Tex has been in this community almost as long as I have however when the future looked bleak, she never left or stopped helping others to continuously build up this community even when it was only half a brick at a time. She has devoted her time and efforts into members and leaders alike and regardless of the impacts her personal life took, she never abandoned the community or members within. She worked hard with whatever tools and strength she could find to suck it up and make it work. She makes time to be around for officer or gen promotions, she games with members outside of her responsibilities and keeps the bond with them, and she is always aware of what's going on in the divisions she is over. A great leader, mentor, and member of KSI this community recognizes her as an asset and key player in the atmosphere of KSI.
Category: Division Leader
Gamertag: KSI Shadow007
Forums Account Link / @KSI Shadow007
Reasons they deserve this award: Shadow is very professional however still allows his personality to show in everything that he does. The way he articulates the ideals of the community astounds me. He has mastered what most struggle with and that is knowing which role to play at what time. He is knowledgeable and can answer most of your questions before you get a chance to ask them. Shadow did a fantastic job of coming to ES with no idea of what Div Lead meant and took the bull by the horns and ran ES well. He made time to still plays with the members and be there if anyone needed a question answered when their co-founders were unavailable. You can always reach him if it is important or just to say hello. He thrives in Clan Ops and he is passionate about his roles in Web Ops. I am proud of the leader he has become and excited to see the many things he achieves on his way to the Board.
Category: Co-Founder
Gamertag: KSI Barb 7
Forums Account Link / @KSI Barb 7
Reasons they deserve this award: Barb has been a soldier in this battle of change in KSI. In the beginning of the year, she made her way back to Gen of Succubus after dealing with many hardships that would have made anyone quit. Now, she has become our co-founder and has made the position her own. Barb took the ground running and not only implemented and enforced the changes put in place by her Div Lead, she was always available to help anyone in need and made sure they understood who was in their chain of command and how to properly handle issues accordingly. Barb has promoted squad activity, boosted the morale of those below her, and has been a helper to anyone who needed it. She has brought new ideas and ways of looking at things to the community and is the definition of a dedicated member here to serve others around her. Furthermore, she is an active Information Head and on the LLC and her only thought is how to improve KSI, make it more efficient, while still understanding that members and leaders should have fun with it.