KSI Rogue 7
@KSI Rogue 7
Award: Die Hard
Reason why they deserve this award:
I want to point out the dedication and determination this leader has offered KSI. Rogue has always put himself last in this community and has been here to truly serve the members of KSI and has become one of the most empathetic leaders and trainers within KSI. He has ran his division very well and has now become a Director. He not only creates new educational workshops, runs Lead 101 and CT 201, he reaches out to members who are struggling without them even asking for help. Even in the face of criticism and denial of ideas, Rogue has pushed on and although it may affect him he has always tried his best to push his feelings aside to be there for everyone who needs his training, answers, or guidance. All the hours and years he has put into KSI and he has never left. I do not want to out his business out there however this man has been struggling in his personal life hard-core. Many individuals would give up or step down or make a plethora of excuses as to why they can't do their job or be here. No matter what is going on with him he has always made time for everyone who needed him even when he was not in their div or department. However, through all of his financial, emotional, mental, and physical setbacks that would make anyone crumble, he has not missed a moment in his responsibilities or his devotion to KSI and the members he cherishes. I have never nominated someone for this kind of award before however if anyone deserves this recognition and highest honor, I truly believe it would be Rogue.