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Squeek 7

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Everything posted by Squeek 7

  1. Award Hobbyist: Yes Canadian Pride: Yes
  2. Ripple Effect: Verified, Yes On Point: Verified, Yes Round of Applause: Verified, Yes
  3. Gamerscore Fanatic - Achieved over 2000+ gamerscore in a single month. must provide picture evidence from xbox achievement leaderboard Split Personality - Have a gamertag that is different from your original forums account name. Must have proof of name change and forums name (cannot change forums name to get award) Graveyard Shift: Awarded to members who are most effective in the late hours. Must be nominated with at least 3 witnesses and proof of accomplishment through testimonies. Squad Mascot: Awarded to a member who is known well and when their squad is mentioned, that is the first member people think of. Must be nominated for this award and have 3 witnesses
  4. I would like to have an Overcooked 2 tournament. They have an arcade version where it is 2v2 or they have just the regular story more however, there is a scoring system for each level and it shows each member's individual score for it. This is a fun, slightly competitive, and team building game. I think it would be fun and it is on Gamepass. Just for braggin rights maybe a WW once in awhile. Maybe could even create an award for Top Chef for the winners
  5. KSI Meeza 7 @Squeek 7 Award: Icebreaker Evidence: I have nominated 6 members and they have been successfully awarded. KSI VIP3R, fortycal2urdome, KSI Twistex, KSI DarkWolf, KSI Crazybear52, and KSI Rogue 7
  6. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Airborne 7 - Chief Department Manager - Board of Directors Link to forums account - @KSI Airborne 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Airborne has been the ONLY Board member who has consistently said hello to all of us lower ranking members and not just to those that he is close to or from a div he was in. He has gone out of his way to track a shipment for me because I had been waiting months to receive my KSI Merchandise. Furthermore, he remembered I had ordered it and asked me every couple of days without me asking. I truly appreciated that. Continuing on, he has been on top of things in the departments, especially when there is a debate that must be defused and clarified. Instead of throwing around his opinions or emotions about it, he stays calm and delivers a reasonable and accurate statement on how things should go. He does not accuse anyone of being wrong nor does he make them feel like they did something wrong. I have never met a Board member quite like him. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Rogue 7 - Director - ES Link to forums account - @KSI Rogue 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Honestly, he has the correct balance of involvement and support in my opinion, for his position. Rogue is interactive with our division however, he does not go overboard with his presence. He plays with members and has given advice to anyone who has asked for it; sometimes he will message members out of the blue and try to cheer them up if he sees they are not doing well with something. Regardless of his opinions, he listens fully to what members have to say and does not cut them off or try to predict what they will say. He works closely with our Div Lead however, still backs off enough for her to spread her wings and lead this division. Furthermore, new sections of our discord have been implemented with his guidance and they have been very helpful with the knowledge and training of members and staff. He is a true servant of the community and will not turn away anyone who needs help or advice. However, he still reminds individuals to follow their chain of command and helps them to solve problems for themselves, if able. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Barb 7 - Division Leader - ES Link to forums account - @KSI Barb 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Since Barb has taken over, there were some who thought the division would falter. However, most of us have always had her back and that support has helped her keep this division going strong. Eternal Souls has been struggling for over a year now and yet, Barb never gave up. She listens to her members and gens, enforces the COC and Chain of Command, and has made improvements in how we use the discord and run our squads. Barb does not take the credit for herself and always makes sure that those involved in change and improvements are known and appreciated. She has listened to her div and with the help of her co-founder and director, has allowed or implemented things that previous div leads would not. Although ES has a long way to go, to become a stronger version of its formal self, I believe it could not be achieved without Barb and her abilities to view things from a logical and compassionate angle. Finally, Barb may be Div Lead however, she has not forgotten where she came from and that everyone's opinion matters, not just her own. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DEATH 77 - CoFounder - ES Link to forums account - @KSI DEATH 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Death has come a long way from when I first came back to ES. Within the last 5 months I have seen him tackle many hurdles with activity and his responsibilities, more importantly his life. However, through all this he became closer to the members of ES. Death is finally fitting into his shoes as Cofounder by being more of a present entity within ES, playing with all the members in all the squads, and even just being there when others doubt themselves. He is furthering his knowledge of the community and becoming a stronger leader with guidance from his superiors and himself. Death has shown more compassion and sincerity over the past few months than most have done in years. Although he has a full personal life with work, wife, kids, classes, etc...he makes the time for others when needed and remembers to make time for himself as well as to not burn out. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI NightGunner - CPT - Succubus ES Link to forums account - @KSI NightGunner Reasoning why they deserve this - This guy here, he has been through it. Gunner has been a CPT for quite some time and has been a huge help to his new GEN and squad. In the short time he has been in Succubus, he has lead the officers there, stood in for his GEN without question, took initiative and completed any tasks that needed handled before his GEN had the time to even ask him. Gunner has been an asset to our division and he knows when he should step and to help others and when to let his GEN handle things. He is always available and online, playing games and is never afraid to join a party to chat or help another member. He is bold, blunt, honest, and knows his worth along with everyone else he is over. Loyal to a fault and will have your back with anything you need as long as he knows you are trying your best and you are being genuine. Gunner is a fine CPT and will make a wonderful GEN again, someday. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIDemonWolf - LT - Banshee ES Link to forums account - @KSIDemonWolf Reasoning why they deserve this - DemonWolf has had his struggles as an officer throughout my time here. However, through the months he has been constantly working on his self-improvement and his responsibilities. AS a LT of my squad he has been improving every week, no matter how small it may seem, to become a better officer and member. He has become more social with the members, which was a big struggle of his, stays on top of the promotions needed as he was the only LT I had for quite some time, and makes sure that his responsibilities are done without me telling him to do them. Although he makes me want to strangle him at times, I could not have kept this squad together without him being there when everyone else had seem to give up. He takes healthy criticism and where most would give up, he constantly says "I will not give up and I will be the officer I know I can be and the squad needs". He never gives up and even though he still has much to work on and learn, always tries his best to stay positive when the chips are down. SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIJakeSnake - SGT - Banshee ES Link to forums account - @KSIJakeSnake Reasoning why they deserve this - Jake is one of the best recruits I had ever brought into a squad. It took me 3 weeks to get him to join however in the 4 months he has been here, he has been a fantastic member to the squad and myself. He is always motivating others to have fun and be respectful, helping his squad-mates if they are down or need help on a game, and has even stepped up to hosting game nights to help the officers out. He has a good head on his shoulders and is always willing to provide input or insight about the squad and its members. He knows how competitive he is on certain games and makes sure he is around the right people in Banshee when he plays them, as to not make others feel they are not good at a game. Although he does not wish to be an officer at this time, he unknowingly shows what it takes to be a strong SSGT and will hopefully one day become a future leader in our community. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Paradox7 - Co-Head of AAP Link to forums account - @Loyalty Paradox Reasoning why they deserve this - Paradox has been a guiding force in the AAP since before I joined. He is always communicating with the staff and although he remains professional when work needs to be done, he keeps a fun atmosphere for his staff. Whenever a question arises about an award or nomination, he is almost always the first one to answer and he ensures that nominations and awards are done in a timely manner. He keeps on his staff to make sure everyone is doing their part however, allows us to show initiative and use critical thinking when it comes to certain awards such as OS and other high regard awards. This department could not run as smoothly as it does without him and it has been a productive and enjoyable experience working with him and the other staff members. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Food 7 - Staff Member - Information Team Link to forums account - @Breakfast Reasoning why they deserve this - I swear he doesn't sleep. Food has been kicking butt on the KSI Handbook since he joined the team and always trying his best to improve a lot of his prior work to conform to the new direction KSI is going in. Every time I look he is trying to get others to work on the handbook with him and he has done a lot of work on it since we started a month or so ago. Dedication and perseverance are the best descriptions I can give for his actions in the Information team. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DarkWolf - SGT - Banshee ES Link to forums account - @KSI DarkWolf281 Reasoning why they deserve this - Dark transferred to my squad a few weeks ago and I was unsure of how things would go. However, I have taken quite a bit of time to get to know him. Dark has had a rough go in ES with many people, whether it was leaders or members. He is very passionate about how things are in the community and voices his views and opinions, as any member should. He can be a bit rough around the edges if you don't take the time to get to know him however we have spent many hours, since he ahs been here, talking about life and KSI, and understanding that there is always two sides to a situation. He has a great amount of knowledge from other experiences, some that would be an asset to the community some day. He has been trying to spend time with others and although his Xbox is not working currently, he hops into parties all the time and tries to play with members on any game that is cross-platform that he ahs on his pc. Dark has done so well trying to keep in mind everyone's differences and to consciously keep in mind of how his actions and words come across to others. Although it will take efforts to find a balance between patience, understanding, and empathy, he is quite surprising and a rather caring individual who has been misunderstood quite often in his past and by others. Not saying he doesn't make me want shake him constantly lol however, I am happy to have met him and with time and patience, I will enjoy watching him grow in this community.
  7. Yes to all awards the member qualifies for.
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