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Everything posted by Truecifer

  1. KSIDarkxAngel 7 Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24315-ksidarkxangel-7/ KSI HHooters 7 Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39061-made-you-look/ KSI Budgie Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43271-ksi-budgie/ KSI Gary 7 Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40003-asm-gary/
  2. Trainer: Yes Member Assistance: No Helping Hand: No
  3. Let's get some more detailed and factual witnesses in here please
  4. Dropping my vote to witness. 1. Dedication through trials and tribulations. Out of everyone in this community, I have seen Pliers go through the worst of circumstances. However, he remains a strong shoulder to lean on for the rest of this community. He has been thrown under the buss, yelled at, kicked down. Yet his own problems are never an issue because his friends, the members of KSI, come first. 2. Motivation of members. Countless times, I have heard Pliers give a speech to one of our beloved members about why staying in KSI is good. He makes sure that his friendship to this community is known so that people will know where to turn to in a time of need. Not only does he take the time to convince people to stay in KSI, he explains why they are needed, looked up to, valued. 3. Leader Training. Out of all of the senior leaders leading this community, Pliers has trained and worked with every one of them. Each Director and Senior Director has learned at least one thing from this amazing individual, causing Pliers to have an impact whether or not he is a part of the situation. He continues to train new-comers by giving them advice and pushing them in the right direction. 4. Versatility. On top of clan-ops, Pliers is all over our departments. He is the Head of T&E, and an assistant to every other department by bringing in referrals, offering ideas, giving assistance. He assists Greg in running Education, ensures LEAD classes are being hosted, assists with any new information and re-creating of the 201 classes. 5. Effort. I have never seen such amounts of effort for something in which we do not get paid to do. He puts so much effort into this community, into the leaders and the member of this community. He is seen as a figurehead of our people because he is who people turn to, who people learn from, who people are motivated by. Pliers has been a part of this community for over 3 and a half years and has not once stopped giving his all to this community, no matter how many times he seems to be kicked in the nads (virtually, of course). If ANYONE were to get this award, they should put the same amount of effort to KSI as Pliers does.
  5. The statement I made on the other post applies here as well. After pulling up his Xbox profile, Gamerscore Hoarder - Verified, Yes
  6. Not quite sure how www.instagram.com is going to help us find her Gamerscore. Please post a link to the profile or a screenshot of their xbox account for future reference.. Gamerscore Hoarder - Verified, Yes
  7. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bearded 7 (Director - DM & WD) Link to forums account - @KSI Bearded 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Bearded has worked hard from the first time I met him, consistently surprising those around him with his accomplishments and his dedication. Not only is he hands on with his divisions and with the people of this community, he is active within our departments and is always coming up with new ideas for the betterment of both the community and our departments. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HHooters 7 (Co-Division Leader - LS) Link to forums account - @made you look Reasoning why they deserve this - Even though HHooters has to deal with some of the most ridiculous people in KSI, she still rises to every occasion. She represents her division in an honorable manner and continues to push for growth and movement of her squads. She attends events regularly and makes efforts to expand her base of friendships throughout this community, for herself and for her division. She is a role model to her members and should take part of more departments (News). Writer Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gambit 7 (Founder - DM) Link to forums account - @KSI Gambit 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - This writer has only recently joined the News team with the project of posting summaries of all of our Happy Hour events and has been reliable and dedicated, publishing more articles in his first month of being a news member than any news member I have accepted or orientated into the team.
  8. OS Lv 1 - No for now due to lack of detailed and descriptive witnesses
  9. Please fix your post, otherwise this topic will be closed.
  10. I vote yes. What, there isn't an emoji here for clapping? Good work, Killer
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